Let’s begin with some terms, so our intentions and meaning are clear and easily understood.
Thriving: is a state of peacefully and happily flourishing in any area that matters to you. This includes your ability to happily prosper financially, and your ability to freely interact with the world. Feeling some level of happiness, freedom, or peace (taken care of) are three manifestations that signify that you are in a state-of-thriving. And you are in a state of thriving, even before material manifestations occur … if you feel good, and allow well-being to grow.
Surviving: is a state of barely getting by. You are limiting yourself in some area(s) that matter to you. You are not truly saying yes to a heartfelt desire for some reason. In this way-of-being, you will naturally produce material evidence that you are on the path of survival or struggling to have what you want. If you are in a mode or on a path predominately built from this state, then you will naturally feel some level of worry, anxiety, fear, struggle, or frustration.