Old Souls, New Lifetimes: The Problem with Being a Really Old Soul and The New Doors that Can Open

Have you ever considered how soul age impacts your self-confidence,  the ability to take action,  or your sense of purpose and direction? The answers might surprise you, because many people think that older souls have clear, well-laid out life paths, and have crystal clarity about their gifts etc.  But, the opposite is often true. So, if you’ve ever wondered if you’re on the “right”path, or why you’re not getting the results you want as smoothly as you’d like to have that happen, here are some surprising perspectives that I’ve brought forth for you today. Let’s start with …

Q: What does it mean to be an old, old soul?

A: It means that you’ve moved through many lifetimes, and most importantly, evolutionary stages. And for some of us, that can be thousands of lifetimes. To be clear, you may be more likely to be spiritually awake as an older soul, but it’s not a guarantee. Spiritual evolution is a choice, and not a guarantee based on your soul age. We still have to choose it, and then be willing to take the inner journey, embracing our higher qualities, and releasing what no longer serves, things like blame, making yourself small etc. 

Q: So, does being an old soul give you special advantages?

A: YES and NO.

many others man lifetimes, which direction, old soul

There is a common myth that being an old soul is somehow superior to being a younger soul. However, this is never true. There’s value, potential advantages, and potential pitfalls at every single stage. It is not the actual age or stage of our soul that matters. What is very, very useful to understand are the lessons and opportunities that come with each stage of our spiritual development. And at every stage, we always have free will, and we a choose to grow in consciousness, or not. It is possible for an old soul to be asleep and live their entire life being run by unhealthy ego patterns, and fear etc. It’s also possible for a younger soul to be conscious, and living from more of their Higher Self than an older soul. For now, in this message, I’ll cover the potential pros and cons of being an older or mature soul and what doors that stage’s core “problem” opens.

Some Foundational Perspectives From a Really Old Soul

Being an old soul can only give you its inherent advantages if you can see yourself living from your old soul, conscious, higher perspective. And this takes more curiosity and desire than many souls in human bodies are willing to invest. Said another way, you can be a really old soul, meaning multidimensional with immense experiences and gifts to draw upon and share — but if you see yourself through the limiting stories you tell yourself or have accepted as true, and do not recognize that there is truly more to YOU — then that is all you’ll be able to see … the limited being in your stories, in what you’ve accepted as true. That will be your life experience, until you let that go, and step into a deeper Truth of who YOU are. I capitalize YOU meaning all physical and nonphysical aspects.

If you’re reading this, you’re already demonstrating that you have desire and curiosity, something drew you here. So, you are most likely somewhere on the mature to older soul continuum. New and younger souls will most often stay in conventional mainstream experiences, and usually feel that there is safety in numbers. For a younger soul, thinking of yourself as conscious energy, a powerful creator, infinite potential, or nonphysically-oriented might feel too  weird, and outside your accepted view of reality. Younger souls are learning how to navigate life in a human body. So, learning how to survive is an essential first step. Following their family or culturally-accepted norms about what is “true” and “right” will naturally feel like the safest way to survive for the younger soul. 

How are you seeing yourself ...

We all know that the pull to be more immersed in the physically oriented aspects is strong when we are in a human body. We are meant to experience life through our five physical senses, and we are also designed to experience life through our soul (nonphysically) oriented senses as well. Soul senses include everything from intuition, to clairvoyance, claircognizance, gut feelings, instincts, higher emotional truths, and more. All of these senses are naturally part of YOU, because YOU are a soul in a human body. YOU naturally have preferences, and some senses will be more developed than others. You also, most likely have  gifts and abilities that are not currently in your conscious awareness. 

To have access to your soul senses, memories, and gifts requires a willingness to step out of commonly held, culturally accepted assumptions about “right and wrong”, and the “fallen state” of being in a human body. 

Being Here is a Big Deal ...

You and I are not fallen because we are in a human body. We are actually blessed to be here in a human body. It’s a privilege to be here. Consider that there are far more souls, than there are human bodies, so being here — is a really big deal. And that says something about how amazing YOU are!

Many early texts written to explain the human condition, came from the idea of “original sin,” that being human meant separate from Source/God/Great Spirit/The Divine, that being in a human body was a fallen state of grace. Therefore, the logical conclusion was … we must have done something wrong! That sense of separation is not because we’re being punished, and it’s not because we’re bad, and therefore we now have to prove ourselves worthy. Separation is felt when we’re buying into being bad, not good enough,  or flawed in some way. We’ll also feel separate if we don’t see ourselves as both physically and nonphysically focused at the same time, that we are truly extensions of divine, loving intelligence. We feel connected, when we realize we are connected. We feel disconnected when we tell ourselves that we are on our own and separate, and have to do everything by ourselves. Sound familiar?

Separation and “not-enoughness” is a human perspective, and not the actual Truth. The actual Truth is — YOU are a walking, talking, breathing miracle, a Magnificent,  Spiritual Being on a human adventure! You are powerful, eternally loved, and supported. 

Go ahead and take a moment bask in your magnificence; YOU deserve your own recognition. You deserve to see yourself as amazing! Smile, breathe deeply release, and say ahhhh and …repeat as often as desired! I deserve to see myself as amazing!

Some sacred texts were grossly misinterpreted, sometimes due to translation errors, or because the transcriber did not apply the correct context to a word or words as they were used in the period it was written. Word meanings evolve over time. Still other sacred stories were “tweaked” to suite the needs of the organizations that transcribed those documents.

So, here’s something worth knowing —

“You are never broken. You/YOU are evolving”

When you honor all aspects of yourself, you have a far better view of who YOU are. YOU have more access to the guidance you seek, and start to see yourself through a clear lens, one that honors the magnificence, of who YOU are.

So, from that foundation, let’s look at the potential Pros, or high-points of being an older soul.

Some Potential Pros of Being a Conscious Older Soul

Old Soul, Amazing Lifetime ...

  • Because of their diverse experiences, conscious old souls appreciate diverse cultures and preferences
  • Calmer demeanor, and less emotional intensity than younger souls
  • Can have access to valuable and varied gifts and abilities (often requires consciousness training and releasing of cultural ideas that limit your access)
  • Heightened ability to sense Deeper Truths, Higher Discernment, and Soul-Aligned Choices
  • Tend to be spiritually-minded, but not necessarily religious which can open doors to expanded perspectives and possibilities. 
  • Are less identified with mainstream perspectives, so are less likely to change in order to fit in or be liked 
  • Have a strong sense of fairness, and tend to have a “live and let live” attitude.
  • It’s rare to see conscious older souls caught in drama, especially later in life
  • Typically, although not always  introverted, imaginative, creative, often sensitive or empathic
  • Are able to see things from different perspectives, can be neutral and make excellent mediators,  leaders, teachers, healers/coaches/positive influencers
  • Usually have a strong desire to inspire, help, or heal others, but struggle with being visible, and communicating their ideas in a way that can be understood by younger souls
  • When given the tools, can see the big picture and broader perspective of life and have a powerful, positive impact inside their calling and sphere of influence

Some Potential Pitfalls Of Being an Older Soul

  • Old Souls can sometimes find it difficult to communicate with or relate to others, especially younger souls who would most benefit from their expertise or gifts. This gap can create self-doubt and counter-to happiness revisions to goals, patterns of stopping and starting,  and a reluctance to committing.  
  • Because they’re more Self-sourced, they’re less likely to have a large social circle, and most likely don’t feel the need to have one. This is not necessarily a pitfall, unless you feel isolated or are actually hiding. (We can’t shine our lights if we’re not visible.)
  • Might be seen as  unfocused, or less ambitious and can sometimes get sidetracked because they’re simply not as “driven” as younger souls (On a deeper level, they often know they have nothing to prove, and they’ve been there and done that).
  • Have less interest in playing the material game, especially at middle age onward, which can sometimes lead to challenges in their finances and focus. 
  • Because there are so many options to choose from, so many gifts, and ways to use them … older souls can sometimes feel stuck, or overwhelmed because of the number of  ideas, and that can lead to indecisiveness, or analysis paralysis.
  • If they’re empathic/highly sensitive to other people’s energy, they can sometimes over-process or withdraw if they inadvertently take on things that are not there’s, or don’t have the tools to understand what they’re picking up and why.

Consciousness training alleviates the frustration of feeling stuck, feeling like you’re spinning in circles, or hiding, and brings forth liberating clarity, peace, and the immense gifts of those older soul abilities … so they can be powerfully leveraged in mutually rewarding ways.

The Core Problem …

So, now that you know some of the potential advantages and pitfalls, and also understand the importance of being spiritually aware/conscious — let’s look at the core challenge of being an older soul.

What is it?

The core challenge that often shows up for older souls is lack of clarity/direction/purpose and the over-processing that creates. Now, you might think that this is unusual, because “wouldn’t an older soul just naturally know where to go, or what to focus on?” But, the answer is very often no. Look at it this way, if you’ve had many, many lifetimes, many, many experiences, have a boatload of awesome gifts, and don’t have a strong ambition to be super-rich or famous, because you’ve probably been there, and done all that … then can you see that you might struggle with making a clear choice, especially around direction, purpose, and maintaining your focus? As an older or mature soul, you have so many options, and will most likely sense that. So, where to go, what to do?

And if you are empathic or highly intuitive, you can sense a lot of potential needs too. On the one hand, you may not want to leave anyone behind, you may want to help everyone, and so struggle with your direction or purpose.You may want to withdraw and “make do,” because you haven’t yet mastered your ability to process what you’re picking up, or know how to be of service in a way that is mutually rewarding to you as an older soul. The same things that motivate a younger souls are not going to hold the interest of older souls. And western culture feeds ideas of specialization, niching down, getting it perfect, and that you “should want” to be motivated by a lot of money, the huge mansion on the beach etc. Except as an older soul, using prizes as a carrot, do not work for you. They are not enticing enough to keep YOU interested and inspired. And therein is the opportunity. For spiritual truths about thriving  and surviving check out this post.  

The Door that Can Open

The reason that you may feel the way you’re feeling is not because you’re flawed in some way, but rather, because the system, or social blueprint you’re using is not a fit for you. If you grew up in the United States, you’re living inside systems that are most often designed for younger souls, not mature or older ones. Younger souls are profit-motivated, and in the win-lose, be “the best”, tribal, competitive paradigm. This is the system that we are born into, so be aware that this is just one system. It doesn’t have to be your system or standard of success.

Older and mature souls will get to a point in their lives where they care more about fulfillment, happiness, and spiritual growth. They are not all that interested in acquiring massive material wealth, fame or being “the” best, most recognized expert especially as they mature. You may be lulled into that paradigm in childhood and into early adulthood, but as an older soul, you’ll get a wake up call, or nudge to wake up at some point. Yes, you want to be financially secure and comfortable, but money is not your main fuel. If you focus on that, you’ll naturally feel uninspired. Ignore the money component, and you may experience inconsistency in that area, and struggle to have easeful money flow.

how to navigate life as an old soul

And yes, you want to be “your” best, as an older soul, but don’t expect to be able to comfortably stay in highly competitive environments for long periods of time without experiencing cycles of burnout. You’re inspired by other things, and your opportunity? Find out what truly inspires you. As you clarify your standards and desires as an older soul, and claim your own definition of success, new doors opens up for you. And those doors lead to greater fulfillment, ease, and a level of prosperity and way to have that —which is satisfying to you as an older soul. You can also find the seeds of deeper purpose, fulfillment, and older-soul thriving within you and your journey.

If you are ready for more … if you burn yourself out, settle for less than what you truly want, and yearn for a clear sense of purpose and sustainable passion, then the Integrated Potential Experience may be what you’ve been searching for. 

In 16 weeks, I will show you exactly how to: 

– Truly, Deeply Trust Your Heart/Your Soul (This is where the magic happens and where wisdom resides.)


– Shed the layers of expectations and misaligned commitments that keep you in unfulfilling relationships, work you don’t love, or going through the motions … instead of living from your deepest fulfillment and potential. 


– And ignite the courage to create a larger vision that really moves you. 

And inside this journey of soulful leadership mastery, you will create a strong, life-changing connection to life, and your divine inner being that will last for years to come. 

Much love,



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Author, Integrated Potential Advisor, Life On Purpose Coach, and Master-Level Spiritual Channel 

Elari Onawa

Elari Onawa 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  find out what makes you truly special, and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! Here’s where to find out more.