Creative Acts and The Stories We Tell Ourselves

This Message Contains Several Excerpts from my Book Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything

The Amazing You

Have you ever marveled at the miracle of being you? What makes you extraordinary isn’t about what you earn, or accomplish. Although you could certainly call that beyond ordinary, but think about who you are. There are over 7 billion people on this planet, that’s 7,000,000,000! And that’s just the current world population. Imagine all of the people who’ve ever lived. According to the Population Reference Bureau, that number is huge! 

In all the lifetimes, in all the worlds, there has never been another you, as you are, in this moment. This just makes me go; wow! What about you? The fact that you’re here is a miracle — an extraordinary event in the physical world, that surpasses all known human, or natural powers, and is ascribed a supernatural cause, the work of The Divine/Great Spirit/Source or whatever term you want to use for what humans have been trying to understand for thousands and thousands of years.

you are amazing, what does it is done to you as you believe mean?

You’re here experiencing life, and the fact that you’re here,  is a miracle

If we lose sight of this, we might forget how amazing life is, and how miraculous we truly are. We might take things for granted, and lose the joy and wonder that’s within, and all around us. We could create the habit of “going through the motions”, and may even start to feel numb.  And we might even tell ourselves that life is hard, or think that we have to prove ourselves worthy in some way. This might lead to overworking, over giving, and a constant attempt to figure out what’s wrong, or why we’re wrong.  And this whole time, this beautiful soul in a human body, a magnificent, multidimensional being with access to unlimited potential to create  anything  … is not present to  her powerful creative abilities, the miracle of being alive,  and  the absolute once-in-forever miracle of who SHE is. 

In the life on purpose and Self-realization programs I do, I’ve noticed that many people, see life as something to endure, in order to get to something better, whether that’s retirement, vacation, heaven, the next income level, promotion, or someday. There’s a lot of “getting through it” consciousness out there, that doesn’t serve the amazing beings we truly are!  Some people live this way for short periods of time, and others have walked the numb, hard, going through the motions path for a very long time.  These experiences  ultimately emerge from the stories each individual is telling to herself/himself about how life is, and who she/he is. And this is so important  because … 

The stories We tell ourselves ARE creative acts!

how to be free of drama, have a better life, and feel good about yourself

The stories we tell ourselves are seeds we plant into  creative substance.  If we plant apple seeds, we’ll get an apple tree, which gives us apples. If we plant seeds of “hard/getting it perfect” then we get the arduous perfection tree, which then bears the fruit of  exhaustion, burnout, and never enough. What stories are you telling yourself about who you are? Your abilities?  Age? Body? Health? Past events? Your knack for thriving in  fulfilling ways?  Those stories matter a lot!

I do get that it isn’t always easy to see the story or  transform it … especially when you’re inside a story and it feels so real. Yet, you do want to be aware that when told repeatedly, these stories become part of your identity, how you see yourself, and what you’re capable of being, doing and having. We can even become blind to our own stories. This is why I do what I do.  We do not have to suffer,  sacrifice, or endure anything . Yes, we might feel uncomfortable as we stretch into new territory, but it doesn’t have to be hard. We can choose ease and support.  

It’s good to remember that any pleasant or not so pleasant experience is never True for everyone. We get to choose! There are always other possibilities and more fulfilling storIes to tell.

People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering

Higher Awareness First

If there were a secret formula that made life work on your behalf, would you want to know the secret? Imagine this powerful ingredient was the cause of every success, and every “failure” you’d ever experienced. What would you do with that information? What value would you place on this knowledge?

If I told you that you’ve probably already read, or heard about it, would that make this principle less powerful in your eyes? I’m asking because many of life’s most powerful truths are right in front of us. Yet, we don’t always benefit from them, because we think we already know them. So, we dismiss the very thing that could have the greatest impact in our lives. I’ve done this myself, more times than I care to mention.  I’ve also seen other people struggle with it too. 

spiritual teacher, life coach, elari onawa, life purpose

The truth that can set us free can only do so, when we bring it past the conceptual level, and into our everyday consciousness. We want to  “get it”, so it makes the difference in our lives that we are seeking, so it’s not just interesting information. When we embody an empowering Truth, that expanded way of seeing ourselves, becomes part of our daily experience. This goes beyond knowing about something to really knowing it; as in transformation.

As you encounter something that you want to get in a deeper way, especially if you‘ve heard it before, ask yourself; how is this making a difference in my life? If it’s not present, or making a difference for you, then you know it conceptually, but you haven’t embodied it yet. Slow down, and give yourself an opportunity to bring it past the mental level, and into your life! You will actually speed up, by slowing down.

So let’s look at a formula that lets life work on your behalf. Let’s delve into this powerful ingredient that’s the cause of every success, and failure you’ve ever experienced. And that is …

It is done unto you, as you believe.

You could easily substitute expect, conclude, cultivate, assume, or choose for the word believe … and you’d be correct. This may not be new to you, perhaps it is. Either way, I invite you to pause and consider these questions …

If I’m a living breathing miracle, and it’s done unto me as I believe … 

if these stories are creative acts, then …

shouldn’t I be telling epic stories about myself and  my life?  

Don’t I deserve the best stories I can tell about myself and how life is?  

We get to choose ... all of it.

We are choosers. 

We can choose anything about our life experiences, including how we want our days to go. We can choose if something is easy or hard, how we feel,  how we want to show up for ourselves and others, and who we want to be.

You’re free to choose anything … and your experiences right now? You chose that too, even if you weren’t consciously aware that you were doing so. This is where many people who are new to this say; what, I would have never created that disaster of a relationship/job/experience etc.  And yet,  that’s how powerful you are. We are either choosing and creating well, or we are not. To key to a smoother more fulfilling journey?  Learn how to choose and create on purpose, with mastery and in alignment with your Higher Truth! 


And as you consider the power of choice, it’s good to remind yourself, that you are never limited by the present, or the past. You’re only limited by what you can conceive as possible … which is always, 100% of the time determined by the stories that you tell yourself, or what you’ve  taken on as true.

As your vantage-point expands, so too does your capacity to create. You always have a lot more options than you can see from your current vantage-point. As your conscious awareness grows —  so too do the items that are available to you on your personal menu of possibilities.  You can grow one step at a time, or take a giant leap forward. You even get to choose your own pace. 

And as you consciously, on-purpose choose … there are no “have tos” or “shoulds” you need to follow, in order to be good enough, happy, or to comply with someone else’s definition of success. There’s nothing you have to be or do. “Have tos” and “shoulds” come from magazines, other people’s opinions, and inherited conversations. 

A better question or choice is  — what has me come alive?

To be happily successful, you must know what that means to you personally. To do this you need to choose from a clear space, not from a “have to” or a “should”.

Then once you see what lights you up, you can make that a priority. and of course, I’m here to help you do that!

Imagine standing for the quality of life you desire, as well as the contributions you truly want to make! Imagine easily having the beliefs and attitudes you want to take on. Imagine making powerful, soul-nurturing choices,  and allowing it to be fun and easy. Imagine that freedom. It can be yours. You get to choose!

awakening coach, elari onawa, spiritual teacher

Deep within you is a calling to express yourself in ever-greater, and more fulfilling ways … to live your life, as you truly want it to be. I believe that our ultimate soul goal is to be happily fully Self-expressed, and our heartfelt dreams and desires point the way. When we say yes to these inner promptings, and allow ourselves to joyously grow, we soar! If we shrink from our heartfelt desires, we create a sense of loss and constriction. Life will feel flat, and we may get caught in a cycle of looking for, yet never anchoring a deeper sense of purpose or fulfillment.

As you create anything, there’s a process of evolution involved.

We do this by releasing any attachment to the old way of seeing what’s possible, in favor of a vantage-point that nurtures the new desire. We become our own advocate! We strengthen, and broaden our concept of what’s possible as we shift from: I’m not sure I can have this, to… it’s possible, to…I know I can, to…it’s done! and this can happen very quickly when we choose that! We can choose to feed faith in the desired experience, instead of fear, or all of the reasons why something can’t happen yet

Let’s come back to YOU, the miracle. As I conclude this message to you, I’ll borrow the words of our friend Albert Einstein; “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

My hope for you is that you choose the miracle. For there is only one reason for non-miracles, and that is resistance. And where do we find resistance? In the stories we choose to tell ourselves. And so it goes. 

If you are ready to create what you want from the heart and soul of who YOU are, with a greater sense of purpose, confidence and ease … if you’re looking for the answers to life’s big questions, like why am I herewhat is my purposewhat do I really want in life and how can I confidently move forward in a more fulfilling way  ... I can help.  You’ll  find more details here 

Much love,



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Author, Life On Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Channel 


Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Guide & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! Take a powerful online program, or schedule your 1:1 session here.