You’re Not Stuck?

What’s Really Behind Taking Action or Not Taking Action

Although your actions may not always feel like they have meaning, they actually do. And not only do they have meaning, they create consequences too. Everything tells you something. Do you boldly and happily take inspired action … or do you ignore what will help you have what you most want?

Your choices tell you something important. To act, to ignore, to postpone, to choose … it all gives you valuable insights about how you see yourself, and who you are being.

In the realm of spiritual growth and transformation, there’s a lot written about feeling stuck. What are the causes? How do you transcend it etc. It’s easy to say that the biggest potential obstacle to moving forward, and having what you want is because you’re stuck. 

But, stuck is not a reason. 

It’s an effect of something else. Is the reason for procrastinating fear?  No … it’s not fear that gets in the way of your fulfillment and magic either. It’s not money, self-doubt, and it’s not a shortage of time either.

And by the way, not taking action is not a character flaw, in case you’re someone who happens to be hard on yourself, like I used to be. It’s not YOU. What you do or don’t do is about the process you’re using. What process? 

Everyone has processes or ways-of-being and doing, even if they are not aware of them.

I have helped thousands of clients create fun, purposeful, soul-nourishing lives. I have been doing that as a life-on-purpose coach, and integrated potential advisor since 2003. And before that I worked in corporate leadership positions for over 20 years, all the way up to the c-level.  So, I’ve worked with a lot of personalities and have deep expertise in what will deeply fulfill you, and what will not, and what really gets in your way, and what is actually a myth that keeps you from seeing the real causes for procrastination and distractions.  

So, what does get in the way of all of those beautiful experiences that you know are there for you? How can this be easier? How can having your heartfelt desires be inevitable?

What keeps spiritually aware people from having what they really want? Of course, there’s more to this, than I could possibly cover in a blog post, or even in a series of blog posts. But, it is my intention, that at the very least … you let go of some of the false “reasons” … like thinking it’s about fear, money, self-doubt, time, being stuck, or thinking you have some character flaw! 

These are not causes, they are effects. And until they are treated like the effects that they are … they will continue to have power over you. Not because you’re not smart enough, but for other reasons that rest in the spiritual law of cause and effect.

... right action is freedom.

The Underlying Causes for Not Taking Consistent Action:

1. Lack of Higher Level Clarity
2. Not Having The Best Playbook for You
3. Not Knowing What You Don’t Know
4. Waiting for Change to Happen

Within higher level clarity comes purpose, direction and focus. Within higher-level clarity comes … knowing yourself and seeing yourself as your soul sees you. Within higher level clarity, you also know if the goals you’ve chosen are the right goals for you

And when you really know what you want, you begin to build energy around that desire. You get ideas, and inspiration and then with the right playbook for you — you know how to nurture that desire, so it becomes inevitable that you will have it in a way that feels good to you. You take action and know how to easily navigate around the ‘stuff’. And what keeps people blind to the best way to have their heartfelt desire? What keeps people from having the best playbook, so they can consistently have what they want?  It’s not knowing … what they don’t know.

Here’s what that means. There are things that you know that you know. As in I know how to ride a bike. And there are things that you know that you don’t know. for example, I know that I do not know how to fly an air plane.

But, what about those things that we don’t know … that we don’t know? What about our blind spots? 

Here’s a shortcut to getting clarity around that. Observe what is showing up in your life. If you’re not getting the results you really want in a particular area, if you’re not happily growing, making progress, or feeling fulfilled — then there is something that you don’t know that you don’t know. That’s a blind spot. There is something there that you don’t yet know. And if you’ve ever heard yourself saying something like; I already know that, that is also an opportunity to ask yourself — do I really know that? If your use of a topic, let’s say, the Law of Attraction, is producing consistent, feel-great results for you, then you know what you need to know to manifest your desired results in that area. Congratulations and yay!

However, if you’re not getting the results you truly desire, then you may know about it, but don’t really know it. Maybe there are pieces missing, maybe you’re struggling to consistently apply it, maybe you need a different playbook, but there’s a blind spot there.  There is something in your understanding, or in how you’re applying it … that needs to be clarified.

Are your blind spots keeping you from what you want?

And if you feel like you’re waiting for change to happen, please let that go. Don’t make yourself wrong, or be self-critical. Love yourself always, and be happy for the awareness. The truth is, it can feel a lot easier to wait … than to find a way to move forward. 

But, if you keep waiting, nothing changes. And therein is the trap. Reach out, and get the training and guidance you need to happily and consistently create what you do want. And I’m here to help if you are ready to say, yes; I deserve more ease, more peace, more fulfillment and joy. Yes, I deserve higher clarity and purpose! And yes, I deserve more bliss, more consistency and enthusiasm as I happily create what I want in life, yes .. that’s me! Woo-hoo!

Change never just happens. So, if you’re waiting for the “right time” or didn’t realize that you were actually in the habit and energy of waiting, I invite you to stop waiting for change to just “happen.” There will always be some reason to wait. But, nothing transforms or gets better by waiting around.

You’re not going to mystically transform into a different person with a new life by waiting. 

You can right here, right now — choose that you deserve to have the clarity, the beautiful playbook, and the higher-level awareness and expertise to have a fun and purposeful life. It all starts with a clear choice. And of course, I’m here to help. If you are ready for massive breakthroughs, and a happier, more fulfilling life, you can step into your soulful leadership mastery and  the Integrated Potential Experience here. 

In the words of one of my spirit guides …

You have an entire universe within you. Let is be revealed.

This means that you have a lot more  abilities, gifts, and potential within you than you realize. They’re awaiting your recognition. Let’s do this!

Much Love,


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Elari Onawa 

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Life On Purpose Coach, Integrated Potential Advisor and Spiritual Channel 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that