7 Spiritual Truths About Thriving and Surviving

If you are not thriving, meaning happily or peacefully flourishing — then there are remnants of survival consciousness holding you in a state of limitation or lack. In order to make beautiful choices, we need to live on purpose, present to what we are selecting moment by precious moment.  So, I took a deeper dive into the differences between surviving and thriving with my spirit guides, so you can recognize your opportunities for expansion! Here is what we have to say about this important topic.

Spiritual truths about thriving. How to happily thrive, abundance, prosperity, Living on purpose.

 Let’s begin with some terms, so our intentions and meaning are clear and easily understood.

Thriving: is a state of peacefully and happily flourishing in any area that matters to you. This includes your ability to happily prosper financially, and your ability to freely interact with the world. Feeling some level of happiness, freedom, or peace (taken care of) are three manifestations that signify that you are in a state-of-thriving. And you are in a state of thriving, even before material manifestations occur …  if you feel good, and allow well-being  to grow.

Surviving: is a state of barely getting by. You are limiting yourself in some area(s) that matter to you. You are not truly saying yes to a heartfelt desire for some reason. In this way-of-being, you will naturally produce material evidence that you are on the path of survival or struggling to have what you want. If you are in a mode or on a path predominately built from this state, then you will naturally feel some level of worry, anxiety, fear, struggle, or frustration.

So, you always know what you are choosing.

For your expansion and wellbeing, here are ..

7 Spiritual Truths About Thriving and Surviving

1. The amount of money you have in your bank account cannot be used as the sole measurement to assess your state of thriving. In some cases, money is barely relevant, as sums of money are relative. What will feel like wealth to one individual, will feel like poverty to another.

2. Although having more money in your bank account may seem like a big piece of the prosperity puzzle, it is a very small piece. Yes, it is a pleasant piece. Yet, it is a piece that has no bearing on what you can attract or have next. If we were to choose a BIG predictor of ongoing wealth — we would say that it is your willingness to cultivate, and have faith in your present and future happiness. This matters far more than any amount of physical money. When you have mastered unconditional faith, you can have anything you desire. There are no limits on faith. So, it is your willingness to have unconditional  faith in your desires — that IS your true currency.


It is your willingness to have unconditional faith in your desires — that is your true currency.

3. Thriving is a state-of-being, which can be easier to embrace, if you see peacefully or happily prospering — as a lifestyle choice. A lifestyle choice is a decision that you make about how you will live and behave. So, when you choose a lifestyle in which you unconditionally thrive, you are allowing your life to get better and better, regardless of outside circumstances or other people’s opinions. Your circumstances must get better, when you’re choosing to see better. This is an irrefutable spiritual law.

4. Wealth is far easier to cultivate than poverty. This will always be true, for you are wired to thrive. This is why you feel better when you’re allowing more of “the good stuff” in. So, to know if you are expanding prosperity, you must take into account — your level of well-being, which includes the amount of happiness, joy, freedom, authenticity, and peace that you feel as you move about your days in a human body.

5. Feeling that you are thriving is a choice that you must continue to make, even when conditions or circumstances may indicate otherwise. Assume that what is showing up is helping you thrive, and so it shall be! Assume that something is wrong, and you will create that instead. 

The amount of happiness or money you have has no bearing on what you can attract or have next. There are no limits. For you are a Spiritual Being endowed with a sacred gift, the power of choice. 

6. One of the basic building blocks of spiritual and material wealth can be found in what you are regularly  looking for. You call this your outlook. When you look for and find evidence of well-being, you are being a thriver. When you look for, and find evidence of what’s wrong, not here yet, or why it is hard, you are being a survivor. You get to choose!


7. You have the power within you to choose how you want to see yourself and your life. This is good, and part of what it means to be an individual. You are free to choose hard or easy, powerful or weak, thriving or surviving etc. The law of attraction/creation obeys your use of spiritual principle. This IS how powerful you are! You get to choose!  


As you read through these principles, it is our intention that you find something that is personally  valuable to you. What did you you discover that gives you more of the joyous experiences you want? What will you choose to do with these new discoveries? OK so where do I wanna come over here

Walk in Beauty,  

Elari, Jasper and the Council of 8

P.S. Steadiness, and ease-full expansion come with soulful mastery!!  If you’re drawn to be in a can be, can do, and can have program and community for next-level spiritual and material enrichment, Step into on purpose, soulful mastery, you can find out more here Blessings! Have a question about working with me? Contact me here.



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elari in fron of trees and stars

Elari Onawa 

 Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! Explore what’s possible here.