Creating From a Clear Space

Beautiful possibilities emerge from a clear space, when you’re free from the past, and ready to be inspired.  

Be open to new possibilities; that’s where you find magic!

It is a blissful place, a place of freedom and pure grace. Nothing yet exists, and so you’re gifted with a blank canvas. Clear and open, the past is gone, and the future has yet to be created. There’s infinite potential before you.

You’re in the in-between space, between what was, and what shall be.

Anything is possible …

You’re now free to choose from this place of peace and possibility. What will emerge from a mind that’s free from the confines of the past? Who knows? This is the adventure and thrill of a true creator!

Let yourself play in this field of infinite possibilities for a moment. What can you create from the silence, from nothing? It may begin as a quiet whisper and grow, as you allow yourself to be moved and inspired … or you may feel ideas coming to you in one big surge of direct knowing. That’s it, you say, that’s what I will create next!

Allow yourself to be in the magic of what emerges. For within a clear space of peace and silence, are infinite possibilities for you to discover. As you create something new, you will be called to go where you haven’t gone before. There’s nothing to fear in not knowing how your masterpiece will emerge, for that is part of the creative process. You just have to be willing to believe in your ability to create what you truly want. How can we expect to move anything from an idea, into its fully expressed physical form, in all its beauty and glory, if we don’t first believe in our ability to do so?

Creating is by its very nature, an act of faith. And when we create, rather than recreate, we must step out of our comfort zone, out from the familiar, and into new territory. It’s being created, which means, we haven’t done it before! The canvas is blank. That requires faith, the type of belief that’s needed to fully express that which is in you now, seeking to be fully expressed in you! There’s no-thing that can be joyously created and shared freely, unless you first believe in yourself.  


Remember this ...

Should the fear of the unknown emerge in you, remember this. Most of us have learned how to be really good re-creators. Our systems often overly teach us how to memorize, and report back what we’ve been given. Don’t get me wrong, memorization is a wonderful tool, but it isn’t necessarily thinking, or learning. It’s definitely not creating! If we become overly dependent on memory, we will feel fear in the face of something new. The subconscious realizes there’s nothing in the memory banks, and so we feel uncertain. The thing to remember — 

memory is not the domain of your creativity, your imagination is!

I think many people give up on their dreams and goals, not because they don’t have the ability to have what they want, but rather, they struggle—simply because their trying to use a part of their mind, for which it isn’t designed. Yet a shift in how the mind is used opens a doorway to easy and graceful manifestation!

Claim your creatorship! Claim who you are! You have gifts and skills far more powerful than your memory banks. You have within you, the ability to believe in yourself and your life. You have the power of choice and focus. You have access to divine guidance, love and a deep sense of adventure. You have the creative power of your imagination. You just have to choose it, and believe in what you are creating! No one can do it for you. I can point the way, but you have to choose that you’re important enough, beautiful enough, and yes—worthy enough. Just choose what you desire, and be willing to believe that you can have it!

* This is post is an excerpt from Chapter 7 (The You Within Your Heartfelt Dreams and Desires) from my book Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything! You can find it on Amazon here. And if you’re ready to create your next-level of fun and prosperity in any area that matters to you, join our 40-Day next-level fun and prosperous game and membership. 

All the best!


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Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Coach & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. If you’re ready for more purpose and joy, if you want to embrace more of who you are, and create more of what you really want ...I can help you have that!