If You Want to Be More Fully Soul-Expressed ...

Questions For New Possibilities

We are conditioned as little ones inside a social structure that almost always uses someone else’s comparisons and conclusions to determine who we are as individuals. Although guidelines can be helpful, these standards are often designed for the convenience of other people and the institutions they work for. 

Default Being ... or Self-Realized?

It’s about you knowing YOU …

Unfortunately, these made-up benchmarks are almost always taught and used as if they should be true and right for everyone. Think about customs that line up children in neat little rows, that assess intelligence, personality, success, and beauty inside narrow standards which are often created in an attempt to … sell products, control, or create uniform categories in an attempt to … judge, grade and assess what is normal, good or better. It might make the test designers feel better, but they can often leave behind a wake of self-doubt and purpose-draining attempts to fit in.

These models can leave anyone feeling flawed and imperfect. As Einstein is credited with sharing; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” And, if we think there’s something wrong because we are different …then we lose the gifts that are right in front of us ... inside our differences! There’s treasure there!

If you grew up feeling judged, or less than — have you ever asked yourself whether or not the standards were even valid for you? Who chose those standards? And when it comes to YOU, how could anyone else’s opinion be better than yours?

enlightening view about prosperity

And when it comes to YOU, how could anyone else’s opinion be better than yours?

The Truth is ...

The Truth is — there can never be an ultimate standard that should or could apply to all people, in all situations. Can you see how ridiculous it is to use a system that’s designed to make you fit in … to determine who you are as an individual?

So, this brings me to wholeness, peace and self-acceptance.

Because we can grow up feeling judged, or less than … we may have learned some interesting coping mechanisms that will make life hard, that lead to patterns of burnout, over giving, or people-pleasing to the point where you may not be able to truly answer questions like …

What do I really want?

What is my purpose?

Why with all of these accomplishments and successes, don’t I feel more fulfilled?

You might drive yourself to overachieve, or over-give to the point of exhaustion … in an attempt to prove that you are good. Except good never comes, and burnout eventually happens. You might twist yourself into a pretzel in an attempt to be “perfect” or reject or suppress aspects of yourself that you’ve deemed unwanted. But, what if those “unwanted” aspects are simply misunderstood?

What if they are actually gifts?

It’s not my intention to solve everything in this short post, for that falls within a much larger exploration, and it takes time and guidance to navigate well. It’s also one of the many reasons why I do what I do. 

You can start by allowing my questions to open a new door for you. 

You can question who’s standards you’ve been using … and whether or not it’s time to step into a more fulfilling way of expressing your awesome self.


You can also ask yourself; what aspects about myself do I dislike or want to suppress? Why? What are the gifts there?

We cannot be at peace or feel whole if we reject any aspect of ourselves. If we make ourselves wrong or deny certain qualities, because of an external standard … we can stunt our spiritual growth. We will make ourselves unhappy. We will feel that we’re not enough in some way. And we miss the gifts and the purpose we were born to share. 

Being on purpose and boldly using your gifts … this is where the magic happens! 

We are not made to be the same. We are made to serve a unique and mighty purpose and everything, and I do mean everything, has a positive spiritual purpose.

You are precious, all of you! 

With Love,

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Elari Onawa 

Integrated Potential Advisor, Life On Purpose Coach & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, all the way to the c-level. If you’re ready for deep purpose and joy, if you want to gracefully create more of what you really want ... then we should talk. You can fill out a quick form and we’ll talk.