Past, Present, Future:
On Purpose Awareness

We can get lost in the experience of time. This happens if we dwell in the past, or become so attached to a future event that we miss the treasures in the present. And the gifts of the current moment are not just about the pleasant aspects.

Where is the treasure?

 Treasure can be found in the feedback we receive moment-by-moment. It’s always present within the experience of being alive!

When we gently observe, we see what we are in the process of creating. We can also feel the beauty that is always present in our surroundings. Even in moments of frustration or discomfort, we are receiving valuable feedback, for our emotions always tell us something about the way we are shaping our attitudes and expectations … which determines the quality of today, and what we can expect in the future.

It is in these moments of gentle observing, when we see, without judging or labeling ... that we experience a deeper level of clarity and joy. When we slow down the part of the mind that wants to evaluate and do, we create the space needed for conscious choices, which is not available if we’re simply moving from doing to doing to doing. Being on purpose, making conscious choices that are aligned with the higher aspects of ourselves … requires space. And we have space to recognize, see, and choose from the wisdom of our soul-selves when we slow down and observe, without labeling things, and when we are not jumping from one to-do to the next. We also make room for joy and experiencing our deeper nature!

enlightening view about prosperity

To experience these divine aspects of you, slow down. Look around you. Observe your thoughts and feelings. Observe others. Observe your surroundings. Observe/notice/see without assessing or judging any of it. Allow it to be as it is. And when you do so, you step out of the automatic responses that “busyness” or accidental living creates. When we slow down thinking, and gently observe, we are able to experience, past, present and future from a place of peace and possibility. And that is truly a beautiful place to opens up new doors for us and creates an experience of aliveness not available if we live as an automaton

Automaton: (Noun) performs a function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions from the past,  capable of an established range of mechanized programmed responses to different circumstances …

nothing new available here!

I invite you to create more space for yourself, for choosing on purpose. See what happens! You can do that by adding brief pauses in between events. So, for example, when the phone rings, pause, take a deep breath and allow yourself to observe, without assessing as you pick up the phone. And then when the conversation ends, again observe yourself as you end the call. Pause before starting the next activity. In this way you can bring intention and purpose to the present … which shapes your experience today, just as is reshapes how you see the past, and … this allows you to step out of automatic recreation (when one automatically does the same thing over and over again) …



so you can consciously choose a new possibility, a new present and future.

As you use this practice, you will come to know yourself and others in a gentler, soul-nourishing way. You will also expand your senses of purpose and fulfillment, because you will be living on purpose from the higher level you.

You are magnificent!

Walk in beauty,


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Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Coach & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. If you’re ready for more purpose and joy, if you want to embrace more of who you are, and create more of what you really want ...I can help you have that!