The stages of spiritual awakening and mastery aren’t always linear. Sometimes you may even feel like you’ve taken a step or two backward. And that’s okay, because that tells you something. There may be moments when you revisit something you thought you had learned.
We can feel like we’re moving backward, when there’s a need to expand something in a particular area. This need is not arbitrary, nor is it created by an outside force. The need to revisit or go deeper — is always, 100% of the time, created by you, by a request you’ve made, or an intention you have chosen. This is true, whether you are aware of that intention or not. Good, now you’re aware that you made a choice.
We are always choosing. So, an essential part of creating amazing experiences is learning to choose really well, from higher, clearer, more present levels of awareness, from Soul. This is a natural part on the spiritual path of creative mastery.
Here’s an example. Let’s say that you see yourself as a person of positive influence, and decide that you want to have a bigger impact, maybe as a healer, coach, thought leader, or in some expanded role in your work, or within your family. Maybe you are answering the call to be happier, and more fully soul-expressed. Those choices will naturally require inner growth, if you want to attract and gracefully hold that desired experience. Otherwise, you’ll struggle, feel like an impostor, get frustrated, make wrong, want to give up, and keep distracting or stopping yourself etc. etc.