For the voice of inspiration and joy is the voice of your soul.
It can be all too easy to drown out your soul’s magic, and the loving guidance that’s there for you. We sometimes do this in the early stages of an idea. Something inspires you, and you are drawn to it. You feel in your heart that there is something that wants to be expressed through you. But, what exactly is it?
If you push for the details before you’re ready to receive them, if you compare yourself to others, make yourself wrong, or get caught in wanting to know “how right now” … you will not be able to hear life’s magic, or follow the clarity of your soul.
Your soul is always speaking her magic to you. Your work is to get into alignment, so you can hear her loving, powerful guidance. And that bring us to an essential ingredient you MUST give yourself if you want to hear the loving guidance of your soul … and that is …