4 Things You'll Want to Release

If You Want to Live a Soul-Inspired Life

For Your Mastery, Joy, and Purpose

If you want to live a soul-inspired life more often than not, and I know that you do — you’ll want to give up these misconceptions first.  Let’s look at four of the most common perspectives that run counter to your Self-Loving soul truth. As you release these myths, you gracefully live from your Mighty Glorious Self. And what a beautiful adventure that is! 

How to live a soul-inspired life

If you want to live a soul-inspired life, then you’ll want to give up:

1. How you think things “should” be, or what the signs of success “should” look like. This is so important because your current concept of what is possible is limited to what the linear mind can think up. But, your soul knows that there is so much more available to you right now, possibilities that you cannot yet see or know from your current perspective. To be truly soul-inspired means that you’re not going to mentally know what all the details look like before they appear. And isn’t that a glorious design? You get to be surprised and delighted, and let the magic happen! The delight that happens when you partner with the Universe in a deeper way, is part of the magic you are  seeking! 


Your soul knows that there is so much more available to you right now ...

2. The need for certainty or physical proof before your desires materialize. This will stop you from having what’s calling you forth, without exception, because everything new in your life experience, will begin as a possibility first. Yet, when masterfully cultivated, an idea or desire can gracefully grow from a tiny seed …  to a mighty, thriving planet, solar system, or universe! Weeds of negative thinking can be kept at bay, and the sun of love will allow your ideas to flourish. Anything new requires a willingness to believe that it is possible before there is physical proof. You can love it into existence! This is where happy endings (and happy money) come from — happy journeys! And notice, I didn’t say 100%, all the time belief. You just have to be willing to believe, and apply spiritual law in a way that supports you. And if you’re called to expand your Just Believe skills, get my book, “Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything”. 

3. Self-criticism, thinking you’re broken or  not enough, or being unkind yourself. Yes, we want to learn and expand, but the most powerful path there is through self-love and soul-nurturing inner dialogue. My Spirit Council told me many years ago; “you are never broken, you are evolving!” These are life-changing words when we get them. The Truth is — because you are eternal, you will always have something that you’re called to learn or grow through. These desires actually call life force through you and give you purpose and aliveness! So, the idea of getting to some ultimate destination where you will be done with everything, is thankfully a fallacy. We are called to remember the perfection in evolution, that we will naturally be called toward more. This is how we grow. So, happiness and satisfaction are thankfully not determined by current conditions. Your way-of-being determines that, and you have 100% control over that. Yet, another beautiful quality for you to celebrate and cultivate! 

Savor the journey for there will always be more to explore. You can choose to be eternally satisfied and delighted.

Living Life As a Sovereign Being

4. Victim-consciousness is rooted in the false idea that life is done to us, rather than through us. As long as we believe that someone or something external is doing something to us, we will not be in a position to be soul-realized, masterful creators. Yes, we are in a culture that can emphasize blame, but this is when we are called to remember — we always get to choose how we see the world, our circumstances, global events, ourselves, and everyone in it. And therein resides our greatest tool and magic — how we choose to see. Your outlook is not only how you shape your reality, it is also a powerful key to Self actualization, to being your most authentic and inspired SELF. 

Which is why soul-realization is my favorite transformational journey to facilitate, for who you know yourself to be — is at the root of all of your  life experiences. When you get who You are, everything that follows  shifts for the better. You feel freer, eternally loved, deeply at peace, and at home in your physical body. This isn’t something you’ll learn in a short blog post, because YOU are vast and multifaceted. But, I do invite you to sit with the energy of these powerful words, and see where you may be called to more fully own your power. What do you want to release, as in once and for all, let it go? What are you ready to claim for yourself and your life? 

Our greatest tool and magic — how we choose to see.

Embracing love as spiritual truth

Living Life As a Sovereign Being ...

What do you want to do with what you’ve read here? 

If you want to move from information to transformation, give yourself time to sit with and contemplate this message. Resist the temptation to “get it done” to move onto the next thing. We actually integrate more quickly when we slow down. Think about slowing down to speed up

Read this message again slowly, breathe deeply, and write down your key takeaways. Journal about it, Where do I want to own my power in a more soul-aligned way?  Then choose ..What do I want to once and for all release? What am I ready to claim for myself and my life?  And so it is!

Feel free to  send me a private message here.

Walk in the Beauty of Who YOU are. 

Much Love, 



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Author, Life On Purpose Master Mentor, and Spiritual Channel 


Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Master Mentor & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years,  helping them align with their dreams and goals, until I knew it was time to move on, and so … I followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that!  Sign up for a powerful online program, or schedule your life on purpose journey here.