Are You A Starseed?

Find Out Here

For Your Mastery, Joy, and Purpose

Starseeds are old souls born in other star systems, planets, or dimensions, who have incarnated on Earth with a beautiful purpose. If you’re a starseed, your mission? Is to assist in humanity’s evolution, and to aid in raising consciousness in the sandbox of time and space. But how do you know if you are one? Are you a Starseed?

And if so, what does that say about your reason for being here right now? Let’s dive into the world of Starseeds to explore the signs, characteristics, and what that can  mean for you.


What Type of Starseed Are You?

Does this feel true and also a little weird to you too?

I absolutely get this because we're born into social conditioning and blueprints that define what we should see as real and "normal". These blueprints also create filters that impact what we can see, how we act, and what we consider possible. When we take them on as true, they also affect our DNA and shape the way we see ourselves. And these filters are passed from generation to generation perpetuating strengths and opportunities, as well as myths that limit our potential too.

So, here's something to consider as well ...

As an eternal being in an ever-expanding universe, isn't it reasonable to believe that this may not be your first rodeo ...

that you may have actually lived in other dimensions and civilizations too?

Signs You May Be a Starseed

Here are some signs that can indicate that you may be a Starseed. While everyone’s experience is unique, here are some common characteristics that many Starseeds share:

  1. Feeling Different or Alienated: One of the most prominent traits of Starseeds is a deep sense of not belonging. This goes beyond feeling different than a social group, or your family. Starseeds, from a young age, often feel out of place, like you don’t quite fit into traditional structures, whether that’s family, school, or your workplace. This  is often coupled with an innate feeling that earth is not your real home.

  2. A Strong Interest in Space, Stars, and Extraterrestrial Life: Many Starseeds are naturally drawn to the cosmos. You may have always had a fascination with stars, space exploration, science fiction, or the idea of extraterrestrial life. Maybe it always felt natural to you, as in “of course, there are other beings other than humans.” This deep connection to the stars and and expanded sense of what’s possible —is often a switch to spark  remembrance of your origins, or to give you comfort that you are not alone, and are actually loved, adored and admired … even  when you’re feeling isolated or “different”. 

  3. Heightened Intuition or Psychic Abilities: Starseeds are often highly intuitive, possessing psychic abilities, or an innate sense of “knowing” that defies logic. You might find that you have premonitions, vivid dreams, or a strong ability to sense energy around you. Many starseeds are natural empaths or healers picking up on the emotions of others and feeling them deeply. 

  4. A Deep Desire to Help Humanity in Some Way: Starseeds feel a strong sense of responsibility toward the earth, and the people and creatures who live here. In fact, starseeds tend to feel a sense of over-responsibility, can be particularly hard on themselves, and  are prone to burnout because of the strong drive to make a positive difference. If you’re a starseed, you may be drawn to causes that focus on healing, humanitarian work, environmental protection, relieving suffering, or spiritual guidance. Even if you aren’t yet sure how, you feel deeply called to make the world a better place.


5. Unexplained Physical Symptoms: Some Starseeds report experiencing physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, or sensitivity to light, sound, and crowds. You may have a sacred symbol somewhere on your body, either permanently, or one that appears during meditation, prayer, or during times of intense change or energetic realignments. These symptoms are sometimes attributed to the process of adjusting to the energies of Earth, and can also be signs of added support from your nonphysical friends, angels and guides.

6. A Strong Sense of Purpose, Even If It’s Undefined: Starseeds often feel like they have a mission on earth, even if they can’t put it into words. You may feel a constant pull toward something greater than yourself, a purpose that goes beyond the material world. There may also be a strong sense of unrealized potential that wants to be expressed in some way, which can leave you mistakenly feeling like “you’re not enough” if it goes unrecognized, is made wrong, or is underutilized.  

7. Feeling Drawn to Spiritual Practices: Whether it’s meditation, yoga, energy healing, automatic writing, breathwork, energetic or sound entrainment, or exploring other metaphysical tools, many starseeds are drawn to spiritual practices that help them connect with their higher self and the immense wisdom available within the fabric of the universe. You might also feel a connection to “ancient” civilizations like Atlantis or Lemuria, where advanced knowledge and technology were used in harmony with spiritual practices. Starseeds tend to be “spiritual” but refrain from being  strongly affiliated with a particular religion or doctrine, especially if it proclaims to be the “one true religion” as most starseeds intuitively know and honor that there are many paths, and they are all sacred. 

There are many paths and they are all sacred.

Types of Starseeds

If being a starseed stirs something within you,  you might wonder what your cosmic origins are, and how that relates to your life purpose. There are several types of starseeds, each associated with different star systems or dimensions. Here are some of the most well-known groups:


Andromedan Starseeds:

Origin: The Andromeda galaxy. (estimated to have 1 trillion stars compared to the Milky Way’s 250 billion. It takes up to 722 square degrees in the first quadrant of the Northern Hemisphere)

Traits: Loving, peaceful, and freedom-oriented, Andromedans are driven by a deep desire for personal and global freedom.

Life Purpose Influence: To bring peace and balance to the planet, often advocating for liberation from limiting systems or structures.


Arcturian Starseeds:

Origin: The Arcturus star system (the brightest star in the kite-shaped constellation Boötes, is also known as the Herdsman)

Traits: Intellectually advanced, spiritually wise, and technologically inclined, Arcturians often bring a sense of futuristic thinking and leadership.

Life Purpose Influence: Woven into the broader aspects of purpose is guiding humanity in advancing technology and spiritual wisdom, often helping to establish new systems of thought and innovation. This can be done in a variety of different ways of course. You can see my “What’s our Soul Archetype?” Quiz to learn more about some of the other aspects that influence personality and purpose 

am I a starseed

Orion Starseeds:

Origin: The Orion constellation. (Orion’s Belt, prominent on the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere, can be translated in Akkadian/Aramaic to mean “light of heaven”)

Traits: Analytical, logical, and truth-seeking, Orion Starseeds are focused on acquiring knowledge and balancing spirituality with logic.

Life Purpose Influence: To uncover and spread knowledge, often through teaching, research, or philosophical work.

Pleiadian Starseeds:

Origin: The Pleiades star cluster. (Also known as The Seven Sisters. The Zuni Tribe of New Mexico refers to this system as the Seed Stars. It’s most visible in the northern hemisphere October through March)

Traits: Loving, compassionate, and connected to heart energy, Pleiadians are known for their strong healing abilities and deep empathy. They are here to bring love and healing to the planet.

Life Purpose Influence: Woven into what a Pleiadian starseed externally does is the strong desire and ability to spread higher love, compassion, and help raise the emotional consciousness of humanity.

Sirius Starseeds:

Origin: The Sirius star system. (Known as Sothis to the ancient Egyptians. It’s also known as the Dog Star, and birthplace of the African Dogan tribe. It’s the brightest star in the night sky)

Traits: Grounded, wise, and connected to water and ancient wisdom, Sirius Starseeds are often drawn to work with the environment, ancient wisdom,  or animals.

Life Purpose Influence: Sirius starseeds are here to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds,  often working in fields related to environmentalism, animal rights, or ancient spiritual practices.


And in case you’re wondering, the (Roswell) Greys  are believed to be associated with Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system.  

Can you expand your concept of what's possible? How might that make your life better ... more joyful?

How to Discover Your Starseed Origin

If being a starseed resonates with you,  you may wonder where you hail from. Here are a few ways to explore your cosmic roots and also be sure to check out my free quiz too:

  1. Meditation and Intuition: Spend time in meditation, connecting with your higher self, Great Spirit, and the cosmos. Ask for guidance about your starseed origins, and pay attention to any signs, visions, or feelings that come to you.

  2. Astrological Charts: Some people look to their astrological birth charts to identify potential starseed connections. Certain placements in the chart, especially involving fixed stars or constellations, can give clues about your  lineage.

  3. Soul and Akashic Record Readings: Work with a high-level spiritual channel or intuitive guide who can access your Akashic Records, the library of your soul’s journey.  This can provide deep insights into your past lives and cosmic origins.

  4. My Starseed Quiz: You can answer these questions to help you  identify which Starseed group you may belong to. It will also give you useful perspectives to explore further. I have one for you right here! 

Being a Starseed

As a Starseed, your life purpose is  tied to your soul’s mission of helping humanity awaken and evolve. Whether that’s through healing, teaching, innovations, or advocating for positive changes, starseeds bring their unique energy and wisdom to earth. And being here? This is a gift for yourself, humanity, and the expansion of the universe in ways that could never be covered in a single blog post. 

Understanding your cosmic roots can help you  navigate challenges that arise from feeling different or disconnected from the world around you.

And ultimately, being a starseed means recognizing that you are here for a reason, and that your soul’s mission—whether fully clear or still unfolding—is a crucial part of the humanity’s collective growth.

Your  journey is personal and meant to be unique. You are not wired to be like everyone else,  and in some way, you are being called to lead.

Whether you feel deeply connected to a specific starseed group,  or feel the deeper Truth that you are made of the stuff of stars — embracing your multidimensional nature can empower you to live a life of profound purpose, as you  help humanity transition into a new era of consciousness.

Your light awaits your recognition! 

Much Love, 



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You are a sacred being with incredible potential. Do you know how special you are?

Elari prayer hands and feather

Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Master Mentor, Integrated Potential Advisor,  & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years,  helping them align with their dreams and goals, until I knew it was time to move on, and so … I followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that!  Sign up for a powerful online program, or schedule your life on purpose journey here.