Discovering Your Soul's Desires:

Navigating Your Life Path with Clarity and Purpose

For Your Mastery, Joy, and Purpose

discovering your soul path, best spiritual teacher

As we navigate our adventure on planet earth, each of us has both a universal, and a unique journey. You are here for purposes that we all share, and you also have reasons for your journey that are unique to your soul path. When we understand these reasons, we are able to better navigate life events, and experience life in a freer, more satisfying, and more fully soul-expressed way. But, with all the potential noise and distractions of this world, it is often a challenge to identify your true desires, and to find your path with clarity and purpose. Yet this is so important if you want to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

So, this message gives you a high-level overview of the profound process of discovering your authentic (soul) desires and it offers guidance for navigating your life path with a deeper sense of alignment and fulfillment. It is not, by any means, a substitute for working with a qualified spiritual guide, but it will give you an understanding of some of the elements involved.

"The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires." —Rumi

The Call Within

Within each of us lies a divine spark. Think of this magnificent light as one of the ways the wise, eternal Self speaks to you. It is often sensed as a whisper urging or nudging you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. This call often manifests as a yearning for something more, a sense that there must be a deeper meaning to life and your place in it. This yearning to know, feel, and understand more about yourself and life — is an invitation to uncover your true desires and your authentic values, so you can align your life with its purpose.


The Desire For "Something More"

Without a desire nothing changes. Sometimes the desire for “something more” is in response to a feeling of discontent, you feel like something is missing despite all the stuff you’ve accumulated, the successes you have and the things you’ve checked off a list. Perhaps you become aware of certain patterns in your life that you no longer want to experience, or wonder why you’re not happier, or you’re tired of working so hard. This desire or yearning for “something more” has many names, a search for meaning, finding your purpose, awakening, the dark night of the soul, or a midlife crisis. Sometimes there is a clear wakeup call, and sometimes it is more subtle, like a persistent nudge or whisper.

Hearing and Using Your Soul Guidance

 This is an exciting time, because you’re seeing the important differences between the aspects of self and Self. You’re getting glimpses into the Truth that you are far more than who you’ve thought yourself to be. You’re realizing that you have an entire Universe within YOU and that there’s far more to life than meets your physical senses. This is a very important ingredient for living with authenticity, mastery and purpose.

Inner Stillness

We cannot hear or use our higher guidance if we have a cluttered overly-active mind. Here we stop identifying with our thoughts and are no longer run by them. We now peacefully step into the driver’s seat as the one who consciously chooses. Autopilot reactions fade and inner and outer awareness expand, so we can begin seeing more clearly through the eyes of our souls.

Exploring Your Authentic Desires

Heartfelt desires are breadcrumbs that lead you closer to your (soul) path and deeper purpose. These are very different than goals or desires that are driven by cultural expectations, or that come from an attempt to fill a void. And this isn’t just about what we want to experience and do. Yes, that is part of it. But even more importantly, your authentic desires, in the words of my Spirit Guides “are the language of your soul. They call you forth to who YOU truly are”. Exploring your “enthusiasms” helps you to tap into the essence of who YOU are, and uncovers the unique gifts and talents that reside within YOU as well. So, pay attention to the subjects and activities that ignite a spark within you. Write them down, and let yourself see the patterns that emerge. They hold important clues to your soul’s calling!

Uncovering Your Cover Values

Core values are the guiding principles that define what is truly important to you at this time in your life. Values serve as a compass that guides your desires, choices, and actions. Reflect on what values resonate deeply with your being. And look at what you repeatedly do when no one is watching, when you’re not fulfilling a role, or addressing someone else’s needs. What do you prioritize above all else? What do you love? Want more of? Is it freedom, love, creativity, personal growth, authenticity, peace, compassion, soul clarity, easeful prosperity,  connectedness, ease or something else … ? Identifying and aligning with your core value(s) gives you a powerful foundation for living on-purpose, and making choices that are in harmony with your inner being/soul.


Embracing Intuition and Synchronicities

Intuition is one of the ways that your soul speaks with you. By cultivating a trusting relationship with your soul-senses, and one of these happens to be your intuition, you can access profound guidance and clarity for your life path. And do pay attention to the signs and meaningful “coincidences” and symbols that appear in your life, as they often hold messages from your Helpers, guiding you toward your soul’s desires. Trusting your intuition and following the subtle nudges it provides can lead you to incredible opportunities, powerful insights, and transformative experiences that can not be seen through the lens of current conditions or past experiences.


Embodying Authenticity

Discovering your soul’s desires requires the courage to embrace your life fully, as in making your happiness and personal fulfillment truly matter! It’s the only way to be a fully realized Self. This means honoring your truth, even when it differs from cultural stereotypes, or the opinions of others. Embodying your soul qualities, true authenticity ... means expressing yourself freely, standing in your power, and embracing your unique qualities and perspectives. When you live authentically, you attract experiences and opportunities that are aligned with your soul’s desires.

Embracing the Journey

The adventure of being fully soul-expressed on your human journey is not a destination, but an ongoing journey of self-discovery and easeful growth. Embrace the twists and turns, the moments of uncertainty, and the lessons along the way. Trust that your soul is guiding you toward experiences that will lead to your highest good and deepest fulfillment.

Discovering your soul desires is a profound and transformative journey that invites you to connect with your deeper truth, and live a life of clarity and purpose. By placing your divine inner voice in the prominent position that is deserves to hold … you will see profound changes in your life. This isn’t always easy, and no one does this alone. But, as you listen to your soul, and explore and choose your authentic desires, you’ll experience a way-of-being that surpasses all understanding. You’ll have flow, ease, and deep clarity about who YOU are, why you’re here, and what truly lights you up. You’ll be home.

Much Love,

Elari and the  Loving Notes of the Universe

P.S. If you’re ready to be free from counter-to-happiness patterns, to have deep clarity about who you are and why you and your desires matter .. go here to find out about my 12-week fun and purposeful soul-led life program. I’ll personally guide you step-by-beautiful-step, so you can bring MORE YOU out to play. Much love to you! 


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Author, Life On Purpose Guide, and Spiritual Channel 


Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Guide & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! Take a powerful online program, or schedule your 1:1 session here.