If You Ever Feel Disillusioned or Disappointed …

There are so many reasons you can find to feel hope in today and in the future. Yes, there may be events that happen around you, or in the world that you do not like. Perhaps, you question your faith in humanity’s nobility and goodness. And yet, all events are contributing something very important. 

what if you feel disillusioned or disappointed
how to feel better if you're disappointed

All external and internal events, including what we do not like — can give you great clarity. And this understanding gives you freedom from ambiguity and uncertainty. When you are clear about what you truly want, you have direction, a sense of purpose, and something even more valuable. 

It is in moments of disappointment or disillusionment that you are being called to turn within, to ask yourself —

How am I seeing the world?  
And is this what I want to feed and continue to experience?

the importance of your perspective and how you feel spiritual truths

If we think there should only be one way of experiencing the world, our way, then we will naturally feel disappointment. If we focus too much on the events that we do not like, we will naturally become disillusioned. The expectations we feed will grow, because we are feeding them.

Focus has energy.

Your Focus is your frame.

As you focus, you have. Another way to express this; dwelling upon something, means you will see and feel more of that in your experience.

Consider this important Spiritual Truth.  It is how you see the world that gives the events appearing … creative momentum and velocity. It is one’s outlook that creates the overall experience.

Do you look for beauty? Do you look for and therefore see peace?

Prosperity? Love?

Success? Ease?

Or do you look for and, therefore, expect hard?

Are you feeling that you’re not there yet? Not enough? Those all all reflections of your outlook. 

What we physically see frequently — is how and what we are looking for. This does not mean that you are doing something wrong if you see something that you do not like. Be thankful for it, for that too is someone else’s desire. And we all get too choose and draw to us what we want to live.

Whatever we see with a disappointed, disillusioned, or disenchanted eye — is not the Truth, as in Universally True for everyone.

Rather, it is a reflection of how we are seeing the world. And there will always be an infinite number of ways to experience life.

And we always get to choose.

That is a requirement for being an individual, a creator, a soul on a human adventure! We all get to choose how we want to see and therefore, what we grow.

So, do not allow yourself to be hardened by life events. Let events clarify what you value, and what you want to feed, what you want to contribute, and who you want to be.

Let life events give you clarity about how you are focusing, and what you may be inadvertently. … or happily expecting. Be thankful that you can see, feel, and choose!

If you do not like war, feed peace. If you do not like hate, feed love. Be a beacon of love and you will see more loving experiences in the world. If you do not like lack, feed prosperity, and see yourself thriving. How you see, your outlook — is your frame.

The power is within you.

Much Love,


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Author, Life On Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Channel 


Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Guide & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! Take a powerful online program, or schedule your 1:1 session here.