Tired of Doubting Yourself?
Here’s How to Hear the Wisdom of Your Soul

For Your Mastery, Joy, and Purpose

Goddess magic is everywhere

Magic is everywhere~

It sings in the wind, and it’s present when you smile. It’s in an aha moment, or when you’re savoring something with love and appreciation. And it’s most definitely present when you are inspired by a new dream, or when you marvel at the synchronicity of an unexpected surprise.

For the voice of inspiration and joy is the voice of your soul. She calls you forth to who YOU are, and what YOU really want to experience next. She is guiding you every step of the way. Can you hear your soul truth?

It can be all too easy to drown out  the loving guidance that’s always there for you. We sometimes do this in the early stages of an idea. Something inspires you, and you are drawn to it. You feel in your heart that there is something that wants to be expressed through you. But, what exactly is it? 

If you push for the details before you’re ready to receive them, if you compare yourself to others, make yourself wrong, or get caught in wanting to know how “right now” … you will not be able to hear life’s magic, or follow the clarity of your soul.

Your soul is always speaking to you. Your work is to get into alignment, so you can hear her loving, powerful guidance. And that bring us to an essential ingredient you MUST give yourself if you want to hear the loving guidance of your soul … and that is ..

how to navigate your spiritual path

You must create space for it. 

In other words, you must slow down and be open to hear it. Smile, breathe slowly, deeply, and  gently as you slow your thoughts — gives you more space. Noticing the vivid details in the moment, without labeling or assessing them — gives you space. And you’ll automatically create space for your soul truth, when you choose that it’s genuinely a priority for you, and  then back it up by devoting time for a liberating, awe-inspiring connection with your soul. My Spirit Council shared with me many many years ago that —we must slow down in order to speed up. And that can’t happen if we’re too busy rushing through life, or distracted by the louder scarcity-oriented voices in everyday consciousness. 

When you slow down and create the space to receive and trust your soul’s guidance … 

  • you may hear the answer you seek in a perfectly-timed lyric at the exact moment when you “just so happen to” turn on the radio. 
  • you might receive epic clarity inside the music of an aha moment … 
  • or you may feel the pull of curiosity at the exact time you need it. 
  • you might get a clear download,  or a jolt of inspiration from a random comment from a friend or stranger …
  •  or a perhaps … you’re getting a quiet persistent nudge in a certain direction
  • and there are countless other ways the soul aspect of you gives you loving wisdom. 


And as you follow this wisdom, you will discover exactly what you need to know right now in the moment

When you slow down in this way, you actually speed up because you are choosing from the higher, better-informed aspect of yourself that doesn’t live from limitations. This is the part of you that can see beyond what you can see, and understands how the universe so lovingly orchestrates the details on your behalf.  This is the part of YOU who sees the best route, without you having to understand or control the trillions of details that happen in the moment every day on your behalf.  If you think you’re too busy, come from a need to know right now, resist or push against the present moment, or become you’re attached to having something in a certain way … then you cannot hear the language of our soul.

Often, your next steps are revealed only when you let go of the need to have all of the details first. You simply cannot see the “hows” or hear the “next steps” until you are ready.

How do you get ready?

You move from the energy of seeking to finding … trusting that it’s already there. Again, this requires slowing down and giving yourself space even before you know exactly what that answer is. Perhaps you’re getting called toward a new career, calling, social circle, or business model? Maybe you’re feeling the pull toward an expanded way of relating to a partner, family member … or yourself?  Perhaps you’re called to transcend limiting patterns around money, success, or health.

I know it may seem strange to say that your real work is to harmonize with the feeling of having what’s still in the process of emerging  before you know all of the details. But, this is one of the things that I help my clients do, and for good reason.

After 22+ years of helping people live their Soul Truth as a Life On Purpose Coach and Integrated Potential Advisor, I can tell you with absolute certainty that your Soul and Spirit Guides speak to you in ways that are not obvious through the human-made lenses we so often use. We are trained to get all of the details first, and many people want intellectual certainty before they commit. But, that is not where certainty comes from. And when you get a “calling” … it almost never comes with a complete map, or step-by-step instructions.  That’s not how living on purpose, or doing your soul’s work works! 

This is a time that requires patient, self-loving, soul-nurturing trust and and expanding into soul-led mastery. 

When you learn how to hear that guidance, and trust in it, your choices ALWAYS work out, period, done.  And usually it’s in ways that you cannot currently imagine. Why? Because, as our friend Albert Einstein once shared, “You cannot solve a problem” (or discover the answers/details etc)” with the same level of consciousness that created it” (translation: from inside your current mindset/reality).

The Real Work ....

That’s why my clients’ Guides, Angels, and Souls will almost always give me something to give them to do. It’s almost always a way to help them easily harmonize with the energy needed … so they can receive what they’re seeking. 

And I always know when someone uses these special, customized practices, because they always get a big clarity breakthrough, often in a very short period of time. If you’re in one of those “in between” moments, please be kind to yourself. And as hard as this may be for you to hear, please, let the magic happen. It may take time and effort, but you are so worth it! And of course, I’m here to help you live from your soulful leadership mastery when you’re ready!

In the meantime, here’s a tip: stay out of the energy of forcing anything because this will definitely stop you from receiving the higher clarity you want. Instead, find as many ways as you can to feel good about where you are  right now. If you fall into the trap of trying to escape any aspect of your current reality … then you are broadcasting the energies of I’m not where I want to be … and so you can’t have what you’re really looking for.  Done that one myself!

And if you’re drawn to deepen your connection to your soul’s truth, to who you are as a multidimensional soul on a human journey, if you’re committed about mastering life’s energies, feeling deep fulfillment, and thriving doing your soul’s work, then we should talk. If you’re on my email list, reply to any of my emails. And is you’re not, you can contact me here. I personally answer these myself.  

In all of the years that I have been doing this work, I can say that nothing is more important than the relationship between you and YOU. Nothing, nada, zip. Until one learns to hear and trust her amazing inner guidance, she will continue to live a life that is not truly her own. And you know this is so, when you feel the whisper of discontent, feel like you’re missing something, keep burning yourself out, or are tired of feeling stuck, settling, or not having what you deeply want. Those experiences can actually be a powerful time for you because …  

those struggles are wake-up calls.

You have an entire universe within YOU. Let is be revealed. YOU will always be far more than you “think” you are! When you learn to move beyond the part of your mind that thinks, and keeps trying to figure things out … you start to see what’s really there!

Much Love, 

P.S. Here’s a Link to schedule a call with me. No pressure, no “have tos”, no “shoulds”. Just fill out the form and tell me about yourself  and we’ll schedule a time to connect. 



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Author, Integrated Potential Advisor, Life On Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Channel 

elari in fron of trees and stars

Elari Onawa 

Author Of “Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything” 

I’ve been leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! You are meant for this time and are here for a powerful spiritual reason. So, let’s do this!