It’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique set of needs and desires, so it’s up to each person to choose the spiritual guidance that is best suited to their path. This is initially done prior to birth, and you can also ask for additional assistance in specific areas, as you continue to play in the sandbox of time and space.
Regardless of the form your spirit guides take when interacting with you, they are most often nonphysical beings who have a strong, loving connection with you. I say most often, because they do sometimes interact with you, while also in a body in another lifetime or dimension. Regardless of their orientation, they are here to help you, guide you, and support you on your journey. They are not here to tell you what to do, because that is ultimately your choice, as an individual. Your spirit guides would never take your choice away from you. They will, however, always answer your call. When you ask for guidance, it is always given. In a future post, I’ll share how to better receive their powerful guidance. I’ll also share some fun ways I’ve interacted with my spirit guides/council over the years.