How to Call Your Spirit Guides -
6 Ways to Connect With Them

Your spirit guides are here to help you, guide you, and support you on your journey. To contact your spirit guide(s), you can use a variety of methods, and they can be fun and easy. There are no limits other than those that we place upon ourselves. Ready to discover more? Then, let’s do this!

When we think about spirit guides, we might think of our better known spirit guide; our primary guide. This is the powerful being who is assigned to you at birth, and stays with you until you choose to transition back into nonphysical form. But, there are many more types of spirit guides that come to help you with specific areas, or during specific portions of your journey! Some people may have a plant guide for gardening, a transformational poet guide to help them write uplifting lyrics, or an animal spirit guide who’s been with them over many lifetimes. Others may have a celestial or angelic being guiding them throughout their lives or lifetimes.


It’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique set of needs and desires, so it’s up to each person to choose the spiritual guidance that is best suited to their path. This is initially done prior to birth, and you can also ask for additional assistance in specific areas, as you continue to play in the sandbox of time and space.

Regardless of the form your spirit guides take when interacting with you, they are most often nonphysical beings who have a strong, loving connection with you. I say most often, because they do sometimes interact with you, while also in a body in another lifetime or dimension. Regardless of their orientation, they are here to help you, guide you, and support you on your journey. They are not here to tell you what to do, because that is ultimately your choice, as an individual. Your spirit guides would never take your choice away from you. They will, however, always answer your call. When you ask for guidance, it is always given. In a future post, I’ll share how to better receive their powerful guidance. I’ll also share some fun ways I’ve interacted with my spirit guides/council over the years.


Calling for a guide can be fun and easy! Think of it as making a phone call to a trusted friend and wise adviser, who has a broad range of experience and higher perspectives they can call upon and share with you.

To contact your spirit guide(s), you can use a variety of methods. Some people may find that they can do it on their own, perhaps from childhood into adulthood. However, most people need some support when getting started, or when expanding and refining their skills, especially if they are called to use them professionally. We are, after all, educated in a culture that often considers anything you can’t see with your physical eyes as “not real”, or something to be feared. This limiting perspective can sometimes cause gifted people to turn away from their abilities until something happens to reopen them. As with all things, when we learn from a trusted adviser, someone who has been there and done it, we learn faster and easier, can get powerful tips, and can also bypass some of the common myths and blocks. We benefit from what they already know.

Spirit guides are your allies, and they can be called upon for help in many different area and ways.  You just need to find what works best for you and clarify the type of guidance you’re looking for. Here are six of the most common ways to connect with them. 

6 Ways to Call Upon Your Spirit Guides

1) Choose to have a clear, powerful connection. As with all experiences you attract and expand, it all starts with a clear intention and choice. The clearer the choice, the better. The more committed, the faster you’ll allow your desired good to happen.

2) Call on a spirit guide as you’re meditating or praying. This is the perfect space to connect, especially if you are using an affirmative form of prayer, or are open and receptive to higher guidance as you meditate. 

3) Automatic Sacred Writing. This is one of my favorites, especially when I was first getting back to my gifts. I’ve used it for decades and far longer if I consider my other lifetimes. I like it, because writing will automatically slow your thinking. And as you slow down the thinking part of your mind, you create space to receive guidance. Want more training? You’ll find a powerful online program here. 

As you see, so shall you be ...

4) Visualize a clear, helpful connection. As you see, so shall you be! When you mentally rehearse, you are entraining yourself to that experience. Olympic athletes, powerful healers, teachers, psychics, mystics, thought leaders, poets, musicians, and executives too … have been using the power of visualization for millennia.

5) Schedule an appointment with a trusted spiritual advisor, coach, psychic, or medium, especially one who has extensive consciousness training especially on the ontological level (way-of being). This is important because a clear channel that understands the nature of your relationship with reality — can receive clear guidance, and can also help you apply it in your everyday life!

6) Watch for interesting signs. Your spirit guides may also give you signs that they’re around. Notice “unusual” occurrences, like repeating numbers, bumper stickers that answer a question you’ve been thinking about, or coincidental and meaningful events, like seeing a brown calico cat with an orange collar staring in your back window, right after you were thinking about a physical or nonphysical friend who loves calico cats, and the color orange.Watch for them, and you’ll start to see them!

As you connect with your nonphysical helpers, and get to know them in deeper ways, consider the words of William Butler Yeats … “There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met (or “remember”).” Enjoy your discoveries!

Much Love, 

Elari Onawa 

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Author, Coach, Spiritual Channel


Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Guide & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of who you are,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that!