Intuition, Intention and Potential

What is intuition? When should we use it? How are intention and intuition connected?

Are you present to how powerful you are? Just saying!

My spirit guides tell me that intuition is the voice of Higher-Reason. Notice I didn’t say reasoning … but Higher-Reason, as in your *elevated what and why.*

It’s elevated because it comes from a pristine place of possibility and potential, far above any limiting stories we might place on what is possible, from our material perspectives.

when yo use your intuition, spirit guides, Elari Onawa, spiritual teacher

Ernest Holmes, an early to mid-twentieth century New Thought Leader and Author, shared that the intuition is “the voice of God in man.”

The group of master teachers I work with, The Council of 8, do not use the word God very often, because there are so many counterproductive connotations associated with that word today. A better way to describe where your intuition comes from is — that it is a response to your call, a powerful answer to a question that you’ve been asking. Sometimes, you are aware of what you are asking and seeking,  and sometimes you may not be. But, you do want to recognize your part in it. That’s an important part of growth and receiving the answers you seek!

Enter in Intuitive Guidance. It drops in, or occurs to you, and you feel the “rightness” of the inkling/nudge/idea without knowing how you know. You didn’t receive the answer by weighing the pros and cons, asking friends, or through reasoning, as in figuring it out logically. Your intuition comes from a different place than logic.

Your ability to instantly know does not come from the realm of "have tos" and "shoulds"...

what does your induction feel like, intuitions or logic?, spiritual awakening,

The rational, conclusion-drawing aspect of your mind uses if-this … than-that thinking, and will almost always need to play catch up to what’s truly in your heart. And therein rests the value of your intuition. Your ability to instantly know or understand something does not come from the realm of “have tos”, “shoulds”, “in-order-tos, or the need to get it perfect or right. Those needs come from the realm of past conclusions. Your intuition will never be demanding, nor will it feel like an obligation or duty. Guidance from your intuition doesn’t come from a need to play it safe, as it never comes from fear.

There is a deeper wisdom associated with your intuition, and that requires trust in wellbeing, and the willingness to place your faith in what you cannot yet see with your material eyes. 

To have faith in the reliability of something, without absolute proof that one is right in doing so — this is the nature of belief, and what we do or do not create.

Believing = Existing Inside Love

And if you’ve read my book “Just Believe: How Faith in Yourself Shifts Everything”, then you also know that at the root of the word be.lief is to (be) exist (lief) in love/appreciation for what is, and what is in the process of becoming

We literally believe things into existence. 

That is how we create “the physical proof.”  Material Manifestation follows Faith. And if we want to accelerate the materialization of our heartfelt desires, we can love and appreciate them into existence! (Hint Hint: Very Powerful!)

I understand that this is not always an easy feat, given our schooling, and cultural predisposition to place logical, material-first faculties on the proverbial pedestal. But, we must remember that those faculties, however beautiful, are not intended to be in the driver’s seat. Einstein was referring to this tendency when we shared;

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

The rational mind uses associations and memories to draw conclusions and predict a future outcome. Memories are impacted by our present-moment perspectives and past conclusions, not pure potential. So, memories are not indicators of what you’re capable of today. If we base our life decisions on memory, and past conclusions, we will continue re-creating the past in the present and future.

Memories are not indicators of what you're capable of today.

In order to choose something new, we must rely on our higher faculties, and then learn how to elevate and onboard the mental level with what the heart, or your intuition, already knows. This is not a flaw in our design. Rather, it’s a call to remember which aspect to use in which situation. It’s a call to remember to place your faith in what cannot yet be physically seen. And it cannot be physically seen right now, or accessed from the past, because it is new, and you are in the process of creating it now.

So, no need to fear. When we stop using our memory banks for something they were not designed to do, we begin to release the fear, anxiety, and worry around new unknown territory. Memory is great for tying our shoes, remembering to put gas in the car, recalling the dates for a history test etc. And logic is great if you want to to calculate the fuel required on the next rocket launch into space, or when you consciously have all the data needed, and also have a formula to calculate an answer.

But, what about something that’s abstract, or has so many variables that it’s not going to fit nicely into a math formula? What about important life decisions like …

When Intuition Shines

  • What about moving to Montana?
  • Is it time to leave this relationship …
  • or call one in?
  • What am I really looking for?
  • What are the best ways for me to easily …?


When we want an answer to an important question, or want to make a choice about a future unknown direction, that’s where your intuition shines. And yes, we can deepen our understanding of intuition too, especially when we give ourselves the time to reflect on the Higher-Reason, the higher what and why.

These words, Higher-Reason, give you an important clue about the nature of intuition. Your intuitive guidance responds to your higher intentions, your higher reason, purpose, desire. It is a response to something you are seeking. Ask the question with the intention of receiving the best/Higher Level answer. Let go of the energy of confusion or not yet knowing. Step out of the energy of the question, to receive the answer.

We can’t hear intuition if we keep asking. We must move from the energy of seeking to finding, and let the best possible guidance drop in. This is a choice that you can make. It’s a choice, and you can let your choice be how it now is for you. Choose. You can also choose to believe in or love (into existence) clear, empowering guidance from the Divine, Source, Great Spirit, Soul, Angels, or Spirit Guides …

and so it is for you… 

Intuitive guidance comes from Higher Aspects with a broader, clearer view than we have from a purely physical perspective. We know, without knowing how we know. And even if it’s not what we initially want to hear, it will always feel loving and nurturing. As we settle into the answer, and clarify the what, and the why, we can begin to see the higher-level logic that is present too.

– What is the answer I was given?
– Why is this the best answer for me now?

Intuition comes from this immense ability to instantly know the incalculable, and invisible-to-you factors that are only present inside pure potential.

your potential, living on purpose, elari onawa

And YOU ARE pure potential!

Sit with, and celebrate that for a moment! YOU are pure potential. 

More on intuition, and living on purpose in future posts. More on spirit guides, and your magnificent journey too. For now …

Choose, do you want to use your intuition more than you currently are?

Why?  (POWERFUL TIP: Getting present to the benefits helps your mind catch up with your heart.)

If so, make that choice. Do you want to have the answers you seek? Choose that too. And while you’re at it … allow it to be fun and easy.

Much Love

P.S. If you are ready to discover mighty, glorious, fully-expressed YOU …  so you stop doubting … and instead truly trust your heart … so you can boldly create what is actually calling you …  then we should talk.

Go Here and tell me about yourself.  I’ll personally review your answers and then share a map for your soulful leadership mastery!


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Integrated Potential Advisor,  Life On Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Channel 

Elari Onawa

Elari Onawa 

Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings. If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! To connect and see  if we are a good fit, start by filling out this form.