More Miracles More Ease

What Are Miracles? How Do We Experience More of Them?

Many years ago I was walking down a set of stairs contemplating how to help clients more consistently and easily create their desired good. I was especially interested in opening up more ease and grace in daily experiences. There were a lot of people, at that time, coming to me because they were experiencing stress and burnout, and they weren’t creating what they really wanted in life. 

So, I was thinking that since we live in a Universe of well-being, and infinite supply — couldn’t more miracles be showing up for more people every day? How could I help with that? And how could ease and grace be the norm for more people, instead of the exception?

My Spirit Guides quickly answered, very clearly and succinctly. I had the answer before I had finished asking the questions.

how to release resistance

This is what they said …

Resist nothing.

I would soon learn the deep healing and potential inside this two word sentence. Like many powerful Spiritual Truths, it is simple and profound at the same time. These principles always work for us, when we use them.

So, let’s explore what resistance is, so it can be quickly recognized and understood. Then I will share four graceful ways to expand the state of ease and flow.

What is Resistance? Let’s Take a Clear Look

Resistance is a state of standing for, or pushing against something you don’t like … rather than energizing something you want.

what does resist nothing mean?

Here are 3 Common Examples of Resistance, Why They Won’t Produce Happiness-Expanding Experiences … and What You Could Choose Instead.

1. Complaining, blaming, or worrying about how bad the economy or ______________ is instead of seeing the positive aspects and opportunities that are also there. If you see something or somoneone as negative, it’s also true that you can see the positive, desirable aspects too. Complaints, blame, and worry will never feed joy, ease, or bank accounts, because we grow what we cultivate. Feed what we don’t like, and we’ll get more of that. Nurture what we do like, and we’ll have more of that.

2. Thinking we have to include the desires of friends and family in our goals and dreams. This is a slippery slope because, as much as we might think we’re doing others a service, we may not be. As sovereign individuals, each gets to choose for his/ herself.  This is also where we’re called to remember that from our finite, individual perspectives, we can’t see the infinite possibilities that exist for all of us. And it is not our job to orchestrate those minute details anyway.  As smart as we all are, a much Higher Intelligence with a far broader perspective … organizes those details for us. So, if we think we have to figure out all of those details, it becomes so. And we limit ourselves to only the possibilities that we can see! From this approach, we now need others to act a certain way in order to feel good, and have what we want … a very slippery slope indeed. The antidote is to choose what you want. Let others choose what they want, and assume that everyone can have what they desire. Assume that there is an elegant way for everything desired to easily manifest. Then, let Spiritual Law and Creative Intelligence take care of the details. The bonus?  You get to be surprised and delighted by how it shows up!

3. Doing it all yourself. This just makes everything hard, and gives us more to do. And if we buy into this form of resisting ease and grace — we’re actually turning our backs on the infinite ways we can receive support, ease, and yes, miracles! Tune into loving support and ease, and we have that. Tune into dis-ease and we can create that too. The Spiritual Truth is that you are never ever alone, or unsupported. Life is for you. The Universe is for you. And the ability to freely choose, and happily have … is also for you. You and I are infinitely, exquisitely loved and supported.

To further clarify and recap, anytime we withstand, combat, settle, oppose, judge, obstruct, make hard, stand or fight against something — we are resisting what we want, and cultivating what we don’t want. We know we’re doing this if we feel frustrated, disappointed, worried, angry, stressed, unhappy, or chronically tired or burned out.

The only cause of a nomiracle is resistance.

4 Easy Graceful Ways to Expand Flow and Ease

I share these possibilities with you with the intention and invitation that you embrace them, play with them, and celebrate what they make available for you. You may have heard some of these before, and it might be tempting to dismiss these powerful choices as too simple, or think; “I’ve tried that”. And if so, know that is resistance too. If we dismiss the potential for ease, we say yes to its opposite, dis-ease and hardship. When we turn instead to cultivate wellbeing, ease, and flow, we have that too. Choose one, combine them, or play with all of them, but do allow them to make a beautiful difference for you.

how do you create ease and flow?

1. Allow More 

In this mighty, good feeling way-of-being and doing, we choose to allow things to be as they are. As the song goes, you let it (all) be. This doesn’t mean that we have to agree with everything, or even like everything. We are meant to have preferences. Allowing more means that we recognize that everything is an option. We can gracefully receive our desired good by directing our attention in a way that lets that happen! And we can allow others to choose what they prefer, without thinking it has to interfere, in anyway, with what we want and like. Infinite variety, means others can choose what they like, and we get to choose what we like. No one needs to be deprived of something because of another’s preference, unless of course, we choose to create that. 

2. Appreciate and Trust More

One of my favorite quotes is often attributed to Albert Einstein. Although some individuals enjoy debating its origin, this much I know. These words are life-giving and nurture potential, and I will always opt for their validity and value, regardless of their origins. So, some wise being shared; “You can choose to live as if everything is a miracle, or nothing is a miracle. I choose the miracle.” What happens when we choose to see and relish the miracles? Resistance is dissolved, we have more ease, and we also see and have more of life’s precious miracles. We also shorten the time in takes to receive our desired good. The Truth, with a Capital T, is that you and I are walking breathing miracle-makers. We are miracles! So, what do you want to choose?

3. Relax and Play More

My Guides told me many years ago that play is a powerful spiritual path. It opens beautiful doors including creative flow, greater ease-filled abundance, and a happier, more rewarding life. So, where can you introduce more lightheartedness in your life? Where could you release attachments, and just choose to have more fun? These are powerful choices, because when we choose to relax and play more,we automatically create ease, and attract more of the joyful experiences and things we want to expand. When we cultivate and follow the fun, we’re on a powerful path!

4. Find Reasons Why It’s Easy and Awesome

If you’ve participated in one of my 21-day online vibe-raising Tune-Ups, then you know that I love sharing and using empowering lists and ways of feeling great. It’s a beautiful way to use something that you probably already do, to expand what is possible for you. In this particular example, you could make daily lists of all of the reasons why [insert what you want to expand] … is so easy and awesome to have. When you do this, guess what you’re cultivating? If you guessed easy and awesome, you’d be correct. And you’re also dissolving resistance, and training your magnificent mind to allow more ease and more awesome experience into your life. You’re tuning yourself to having that desire and so it must come. This is fun and powerful!

Ultimately everything is a choice, including feeling stressed, or allowing ease. The great news is that no thing is greater than you are.  Even the stories we write about ourselves are not more powerful than we are. We are after all, the authors of all of it. The questions to ask yourself are: 

What do I want? 

Am I cultivating that in an easy and fun way? 

Will I do that more?

You can start by choosing a path, a way, a philosophy for how you want to predominately see and experience life. You can start my choosing to use something you learned here today.


You Could Choose: 

great mantras for more ease and happiness
  • I now choose to receive the best experiences for me.
  • I allow ease to grow for me and I thrive in beautiful ways.
  • I relish the miracles and beauty around me. I’m an excellent miracle-maker!
  • I see through the eyes of love and  nurture what I desire. I have a rich and fulfilling life.


This is how it is for me now. It is done, and so it is!

Commit to one of these ways of seeing for a week, and see what happens. Write it down, carry it with you, choose it, use it and feel it! Then at the end of the week — notice what has improved and transformed for you. Now, you can choose to continue that approach or choose something that feels even better. And do let me know what you experience. I’d love to hear from you.

Much Love 

Elari and the Council of 8

P.S. Are you ready to take your manifesting and life experiences to the fun, and on purpose zone?  I can help you do that. Go Here to find out how

What would happen if miracles
were considered normal?


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Author, Life On Purpose Coach, Integrated Potential Advisor and Master Channel 

elari in fron of trees and stars

Elari Onawa 

Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years up to the C-Level, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! You can find out here.