TIP 1: When you notice what has the most energy or inspiration around it, you are getting very powerful guidance from your soul. Follow that inspiration! The mental level might want to discount your inspiration by distracting you with “busywork”, or you might start thinking about the reasons an idea might be hard, or why it can’t work. This is the time to remember to follow your inspiration, because that’s where you connect with your soul truth! When you follow your creative impulses, you cultivate a stronger sense of direction and purpose. And you feed love and joy too! So, follow the inspiration; it’s giving you powerful guidance. Then, get your mental level onboard to support your heartfelt desires. List all of the reasons why it can easily work, why this is a great idea, or why the most amazing experiences are already present and how your desires are given in divine perfection. You may even want to list all of the reasons you can have more fun and ease too! By doing this, you’re allowing your mental level to catch up with what your heart already knows. Now … you can move forward with your head and heart dancing together!
TIP 2: As you explore and take inspired action, more is revealed to you. So, you don’t have to have all of the answers right now. If you wait for all the details, you’ll keep waiting. Take small steps one step at a time … and have fun. Your next steps become even more fulfilling, even more obvious and inspired as you take each happy step. You can learn, get valuable feedback, and receive inspiration as you play in the sandbox of time and space!
TIP 3: The more enjoyment you cultivate, the more inspired you become, and the more lit up your next steps will be for you. Plus, you’ll move right into inspired action, without the need to try … because you’re having fun and following your soul guidance (rather than what you think you should or have to do)!
TIP 4: As you’re writing your answers, let what comes take you to more inspiration and clarity. And if you feel like taking a walk, or taking a break, or get inspired to call a friend … do that or ask what that image is telling you. There’s a reason you feel called to do that! Then come back to where you were in this process with the gift of that wisdom. Have fun!
TIP 5: If you want to wrap this up with an easy-to-remember clarifier for the year ahead, chose one to two words that help you anchor your desired experience for the year ahead, or create a short, one-sentence mantra that’s easy to remember and use. For example, you may choose the words divine partnership to remind you of your commitment to be in conscious partnership with your Inner Being or playfully prosperous to remind yourself to keep it light so you can thrive in the way you really want. If you’re drawn toward a mantra, choose words that affirm a powerful way-of-being, for example .. I am here and I am clear or Everything always works out beautifully for me.
TIP 6: Here are some more examples of soul-aligned clarifiers that help you align and focus well. After looking at your answers, you might be drawn to the two words clarity and joy, or fun loving. If you prefer a mantra, you might be drawn to something like; I am having so much fun thriving. Some mantras I’ve used over the years to focus in a soul-aligned way are: walk in beauty, I see the magic, let’s do this! Theme words I’ve used are words like ease, thriving, fun, joy, clarity, unconditional self-love, on purpose. You can use these words, or a mantra as a guiding star for the year ahead to help you align with the fulfilling experiences that call more of YOU forth. Here’s an important reminder too — don’t let the simplicity of the words diminish their impact. There is great beauty and power in simplicity! Short = powerful.
TIP 7: If you think you need a lot of “time” to do this, and tend to procrastinate … here’s your solution! Set a 3-minute timer for each question, and see how much magic can happen in mere minutes. There’s a lot within you that wants to be revealed, so have fun and let that wisdom flow. And by the way … when you write quickly without “thinking” it’s often easier to receive the real gems, what your soul wants you to know!
May this process open beautiful doors to the magic that is within you. Happy discoveries and happy New Year!
Much Love,