Solitude as a Spiritual Gift

The idea of solitude may initially seem to be a state of loneliness and separation, yet nothing could be further from the Truth.

spiritual path, self mastery, awakening to your true journey

It’s during periods of quarantine, retreat, and seclusion that we give ourselves space to reflect on the deeper questions in life.  Whether, these periods are daily meditative minutes of reflection, week-long retreats, a lockdown due to a pandemic, an illness, or a welcome year-long sabbatical, these periods can have immense value for us. 

These moments of stillness give us the opportunity and space to explore life’s bigger questions, outside the distractions of “busyness” and autopilot responses.

What can we discover when we step away from well-established routines, and what we’ve considered “normal”?

How about a deeper relationship with yourself, and a clear, invigorating sense of purpose?

How about new life choices that are better suited to your evolving values?   

Moments of solitude also invite you into closer conversations with the wiser aspects of yourself. You may also want to connect with the powerful nonphysical helpers who are here to help you. As you develop the skills associated with soul-to-soul conversations, the illusion of separation fades away, as do the perceived limitations of “space and time”. You open yourself up to experience the deep, loving support that is here for you.  


Here are some powerful questions you may want to explore ...

in partnership with your Soul Aspect and Spirit Guides during your moments of divine solitude.

1. How do I want to invest my precious time now and as I move forward?
2. What have I learned about myself recently or during this past year that would be helpful for me to own and value?
3. Why does this pattern keep showing up for me and how can I transform it? (These are important life lessons, not shortcomings.)
4. Why do I feel this way about ______?

5. What do I want to celebrate and acknowledge in a deeper way?
6. How could this period of rest better serve me?
7. What do I want to do about ________?
8. What higher purpose wants to emerge for and through me now?
9. What do I truly want for myself and my life?

These questions can take time, and the willingness to be lovingly honest with yourself. But do ask them and get support too. No one navigates an on purpose, awakened path alone.  It is during these precious opportunities, the turning-points, and wake up calls, when we’re feeling uncertain or lost, that the real journey can begin. This is a liberating call to action, to bring more of YOU out to play!

When we make the journey from self to Self the priority it deserves to be, we see magic happen.

how to navigate your spiritual path
And so it is!

If you’re ready to discover the deeper purpose of your spiritual adventure, I can help you see that with soul-level clarity and ease. Whatever you choose, do choose YOU. Resist the temptation to sink back into autopilot being and doing. You will not find freedom or fulfillment there. 

Give yourself space, explore these questions, and if you’re being called to work with me — you can contact me here, and I’ll send you my personal recommendations.

Much Love,


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Author, Life On Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Channel 


Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Guide & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that! Take a powerful online program, or schedule your 1:1 session here.