The Sacred Dance of Connection:

Harnessing Relationships for Spiritual Growth and Joy

For Your Mastery, Joy, and Purpose

In the infinite tapestry of human existence, relationships are the threads that weave our stories together. They are the mirrors reflecting our deepest selves, the catalysts for growth, and the guardians of our spiritual evolution. Yet, amidst the “busyness” of modern life, the true essence of these connections often becomes obscured, lost in the whirlwind of obligations and distractions. 

But what if we could reclaim the sacredness of our relationships? 

What if we could view them as pathways to profound spiritual growth and joy?

creating soul to soul connections

Enter the Sacred Dance of Connection ...

Enter the sacred dance of connection—a timeless, ethereal dance that can transcend  the mundane and touch the soul. In these sacred moments, every interaction becomes a chance to see and be with the divine, to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence, and to nurture the seeds of our spiritual evolution.

At its core, the sacred dance of connection is about presence—a conscious choice to fully engage with the here and now, to honor the divine spark within ourselves and others. It is a recognition that every soul we encounter is a unique expression of the divine, worthy of reverence and respect.

soul to soul parterships

When we see another through the eyes of soul, we enter the realm of divine wonder.

Whether it’s a fleeting encounter with a stranger, a lunch celebrating a friend’s birthday, or the intimate embrace of a loved one, each interaction holds the potential to ignite the flames of spiritual awakening.

But how do we embark on this sacred journey? How do we harness our relationships for joyous spiritual growth ?

To begin, we must be open to a new way of experiencing the souls we interact with each day. Inside “busyness” and “getting things done”, it’s all to easy to forget the profound gifts that we are to one another. It can be all too easy to let  multitasking or unclear intentions dampen the profound joy that is possible inside these  sacred dances. Perhaps this message will call forth a new possibility for you? If so, this message has planted a new seed for soul-nurturing  connections and celebrations. And it has begun to fulfill its purpose, something I am very  thankful for.

soul level friendships and authentic connecti9ons

What do you want to create for yourself and those you know inside your cosmic connections?  

If you want to see another, truly see them them, and be seen … I invite you to  create a clear intention for your relationships.

And then be willing to let go of preconceived ideas about who the “other” is.  By bringing true presence to our interactions, we can dissolve the barriers that separate us from others, opening the door to authentic connections. This means letting go of judgment and expectation, and instead approaching each interaction with curiosity and the willingness to  grant them being. That is, allowing them to be fully as they are, and honoring that as the sacred gift that it is. 


When you allow being ... true connections emerge.

The Ebbb ... the Flow ...

And for me, I especially love embracing and cultivating appreciation —a profound gratitude for the blessings that relationships bestow upon us all. Whether it’s a friend who lends a listening ear or a partner who offers unwavering support, every connection is a precious gift to be cherished. By fostering an attitude of gratitude, we can magnify the beauty and abundance that surrounds us, deepening our connection to the divine gifts we’ve been given.

And then there’s this …  can we allow the ebb and flow of the dance to just be? Can we make room for a graceful acceptance of the inevitable twists and turns of life?  My spirit guides told me one day many years ago, when I was going through an especially difficult situation; resist nothing. It’s taken me many years of observing and living that, and yes, at times, even resisting that, to see the profound wisdom inside those two words.

Can you accept the inevitable twists and turns of life?

Deep peace resides there.

soul to soul family connections

Soulful Leadership Mastery ...

Relationships, like all aspects of existence, are nuanced, fluid, and ever-changing. By releasing our grip, or need for control and surrendering to the divine rhythm of the universe, we can navigate the evolutionary essence of human connections with grace and ease. Even the physical loss of a loving partner, can become a source for deep growth, inspiration, and love. I speak from rich experience here, and am thankful for the open-ended nature of reality, and all of the possibilities it can hold for us. 

In the end, the sacred dance of connection is not just a metaphor—it is a lived experience, a journey of the heart and soul. It is a reminder that beneath the surface of our everyday interactions lies a profound depth of meaning and purpose, waiting to be discovered. So let us embrace this dance with open arms, allowing our relationships to guide us ever closer to the truth of who we are and why we’re here.

If you are called to be a soulful leadership master, you can discover more here. In this liberating 16-week experience, 

I will show you exactly how to:

–  trust your heart ( It really is where the magic is.)

–  leverage your gifts that fuel your passion and purpose

– shed layers of expectations and misaligned commitments

– and ignite the courage to create a larger vision that really moves you. 

If this is calling you, go here and let’s do this. 

Walk in the Beauty of Who YOU are. 

Much Love, 



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You are a sacred being with incredible potential. Do you know how special you are?

Elari prayer hands and feather

Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Master Mentor, Integrated Potential Advisor,  & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years,  helping them align with their dreams and goals, until I knew it was time to move on, and so … I followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have that!  Sign up for a powerful online program, or schedule your life on purpose journey here.