It Requires Nothing from The External World
This we wish to make abundantly clear — to LOVE, big L, requires no thing from the external world. YOU LOVE because is feels good to do so, because you are wired for big L LOVE, not the small l, love that gets twisted into a pretzel by cultural conditioning … and other people’s expectations. You LOVE for you and who you are becoming because, you deserve and are already, so very worthy of big L, always count-on-able LOVE. Already worthy, and you already have it.
So, big L LOVE means that there are no rules you have to follow to have love. YOU already have LOVE because YOU are LOVE, LOVED, and LOVING. And so, you can simply and happily appreciate, delight in, cherish, value, and live from this place. There is nothing you need to resist, and there is nothing you need to push against. There is nothing to fear inside LOVE.
Can you feel the magic within this?
Do you see what acknowledging this Spiritual Truth does for you and your life circumstances? Are you smiling as you see that Unconditional LOVE is your reality now? See this and let it in.
Let in the magic.