A Liberating Conversation About Trying

If you feel like you’re trying hard, if you feel like you’ve done it all,  and still are not experiencing what you want in life … if you’re resisting the very things that you know will help you soar — read on. This message is for you. It is outside conventional thinking; it comes from a sacred place of wisdom within all of us. And because it is outside of the cultural blueprint  that actually creates the path of hard — it may take being with this message, reading it a few times, and allowing it to settle into your consciousness, and please do so. Apply this and give yourself the freedom to have what is calling you forth. 

difference between thriving and surviving, spiritually awake

I saw a post recently from a metaphysical teacher and it went something like this …

For all of those of you who are trying to be open. For all those who are trying to be good … followed with several more tries and then, wait for it — the post ends with “I see you”. 

So, I am going to make some strong statements about words that are meant to build relatedness, or perhaps empathy, but actually hurt the people who are buying into them. Now to be fair, perhaps he didn’t understand what he was doing, perhaps from his perspective, this was a service to others. But, I see those words as an immense disservice. Relatedness that misses the point, and keeps people stuck is no service at all.

If you’re caught in the trap of “trying” — what follows can be life-changing.

what does give up trying mean?

Anytime you try, you do not do, and you will not have. You are striving, seeking, struggling, making attempts, but you are not doing, and you are not having.

Trying and doing, and trying and having — are very different frequencies, and they create or attract very different outcomes.

Anytime you try— you do not do, and you will not have.

If we try, we do not have, because as we try, we push away the desired experience. And we cannot feel “good enough”, if we try to be good, because we’re actually telling ourselves — that we are not. We cannot easily have something if we’re telling ourselves that we’ll “try” .

And to make matters more confusing, there are so many quotes out there, that glorify the struggles that trying creates. Those “motivational” words actually make things harder for you … like; “the only failure is the failure to try”.

No ... the failure is in the trying.

spiritual meaning do not try

You do not have to force yourself to do anything when you understand the law of cause and effect.

As Master Yoda shared to moviegoers all around the world; “Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

There is much wisdom in those ten little words. Why?

Because trying means attempting to do, attempting to accomplish or be. Trying means perhaps.

Trying means; “I’m not sure this is going to work”, “I’m not sure I want to”,  or “I’m not sure that I can do this or have this, but I’ll give it a shot.” There is very little positive energy there.  Instead, there’s misdirected faith inside “I’ll try”.  Trying creates ambiguity and  hard experiences, instead of ease, and faith in your ability to have or do what you desire. 
Energetically, trying is the opposite of certainty; it’s a vibrational match to a maybe. So, if you’re feeling doubt or frustration about anything, a new habit, something you want to learn, or a thing, or experience you want to have, ask yourself:

  • Am I trying or doing
  • Am I trying or having

You will always know the answer by how you feel. And do be aware that trying will automatically create resistance to the very thing you want to have, be, or do. For we live in an attraction-based universe, and that means that we will always receive back — that which we vibrationally match. Always, no exceptions. And this is true whether we are aware of this Universal Spiritual Law, or not. When you are present, and observe yourself and those around you, it only takes a short time to see that this is how life works.

So, what is the antidote to trying?

Stop trying.

In fact, I invite you to wipe that word from your vocabulary, let it go. Let it dissolve into dust and fade forever away. When you do so, you stop introducing the struggle and the resistance.

Do not try, choose.

A choice is an “I will”, an “I am”, an “it is so”. A choice leaves no room for disempowering self-talk like; “I don’t feel like it” … or “maybe I’ll get around to it or not” … or “maybe it’s just not meant to be.” When you make a true choice, you are telling Creative Intelligence; this is how it is for me now. This is what I now choose … embrace … accept … have … allow into my life.


I choose joyful experiences. I have success. I choose wellbeing and ease. I see that I am already powerful and loved.

I try to have joyful experiences, I try to be successful. I try to have wellbeing and ease. I try to see that I am powerful and loved.

Do you see and feel the difference? This is very important!

Choice comes from the foundation of self-authority and certainty. You are a sovereign being, and you get to choose how you experience life! You are, in fact choosing all day, everyday. You can even choose to try, to not be sure, to doubt, to make hard. And if so, those are the experiences you will have. And yes, you can also choose to have, to be, to happily receive.

Do not try. Choose!

Choose and feel the gift of having that choice right now, and you will quickly realize the material representation of that in your physical experience.

If you have been trying to have something for a long time, stop “trying” and therefore making it hard or impossible to receive. When you do so, the waiting ceases, and so does the doubt, and the second guessing. For you have chosen. And so it is!

Much Love,
Elari Onawa

P.S. If you’re tired of working so hard, wondering why you’re here, and are done with the constant stream of responsibilites … if you’re ready for your next level of creative mastery and ease  — I am here to help you live from the peaceful, playful, powerful YOU. I am here to help you create the life you really want, from the heart and soul of who YOU are,  You can find out more here. You are magnificent, and if you’re not having magnificent, on-purpose experiences then …  let’s do something about that!


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Author, Life On Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Channel 

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Elari Onawa 

Life On Purpose Guide & Author Of Just Believe: How Faith In Yourself Shifts Everything 

I’ve been coaching and leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, helping them align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to embrace more of your higher aspects,  and connect with the loving support that is available for you  … I can help you have thatYou can find out more here!