What You Need to Know
When You’re Feeling Uncertain or Stuck

For Your Mastery, Joy, and Purpose

self-discovery, what to do when you feel stuck, spiritual life coach,


ou do not have to see the complete picture or the ultimate outcome in order to move powerfully forward. In working with my clients over the past two decades, powerful souls on a human journey, as are you — I have observed something time and time again. Uncertainty can create spin cycles, analysis-paralysis, and a lot of frustration, sometimes for a very long time. And when this happens, there’s  a tendency for really smart people, with incredible gifts to share, to make themselves wrong, lose confidence, or distract themselves with “busyness”in an attempt to deal with the doubts that naturally surface … when you are looking for guarantees. Which is why I want to share this perspective with you today. 

You don't need all the details?

If you find yourself uncertain about moving forward in an area that matters to you, know that it is okay not to have all of the details right now.  Our shared training preparing for school tests might have us thinking that we need all of the answers first.  But, when it comes to creating a beautiful life, you do  not need to know  all of the details before taking the next step. In fact, you really don’t need to see the complete picture or even have an ultimate goal. You don’t have to have all of the answers. 

Consider This Instead:

What if you felt into the most fun and inspiring next step for you? 

What idea feeds the way you want to feel and the direction that’s calling you? 

Would it be okay … to be delighted and surprised by how your journey unfolds for you? 

Is knowing every detail really necessary for a beautiful life?

And wouldn’t it be more exciting to leave room for your angels to dance with you on your journey?

how to have less stress, and move forward happily

There’s a lot of information out there about knowing all the bits and pieces about your big dream. Books are written about visualizing the vivid details of your completed goal. And yet, there is great magic in letting the journey reveal itself. And it can.

What would serve you better, trying to figure it all out first or ...

trusting in the magic, knowing that the universe is thoroughly and happily for you?

having a direction that inspires you, while leaving room to be surprised and delighted.

working with someone, perhaps like yours truly, who can help see through the eyes of your soul, rather than conditioned responses that stifle your of joy and authentic-self expression.

releasing the need to get the “correct answer”.


What if …

there are no correct answers, other than those than make you genuinely happy?  What if you can’t get it wrong?

self-discovery, soul path, best life

I know that this is a different way of doing things.

It flies in the face of many of the ideas that we’ve been taught. But, when it comes to living a great life, when it comes to your journey of self-discovery and true fulfillment … you must leave behind the glorification of  “fitting in” and people-pleasing, so you can be authentically and beautifully your Self. This is where the real magic is, and it is within YOU!

Much Love, 

Elari Onawa and The Loving Notes of the Universe

" The Truth is you can't truly please anyone else other than yourself. And there is no "fitting in", because you already do fit beautifully and perfectly. The question is — are you able to see how this is true for YOU?"


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Integrated Potential Advisor, Life On Purpose Coach, Author, and Master Channel 

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Elari Onawa 

I’ve been leading Life On Purpose and Self-Discovery programs since 2003. Prior to that, I led large organizations for 20+ years, all the way to the C-level, helping them grow and align with their dreams and goals. And then I said yes and followed my soul’s promptings.  If you’re ready for more fulfillment and joy, if you want to have deep clarity about your gifts and purpose so you can have a deeply fulfilling life … instead of losing yourself in the life-draining world of “busyness”, “have tos” , “shoulds”, and “never enough” … we should talk.  You’ll discover how right here.